February 20, 2003
Follow Instapundit's lead

Go here to express your support for the war. If everyone who supports war with Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein participates in the "Million Modem March" on Washington, I wonder what the final tally, pro- vs con-, would actually be.

Don't let a small percentage of the population, led by Martin Sheen and his ilk, carry the day on this issue.

My "message", that I promise to deliver to my Senators and the White House at least 3 times on February 26th, reads:

I fully support the actions of our President and our military to end the dictatorial and repressive regime of Saddam Hussein. Inspections have not, and will not, work to disarm Saddam. He has played the US and the UN for fools and patsies for 12 years. It is time to return the country of Iraq to a free and unoppressed Iraqi people.

As the website says, use your own, heartfelt words to express your opinion - those always work best.


Xrlq offers a cautionary tale about using the MoveOn.org interface. Not sure I agree, but certainly something to consider. I don't see how they can block the pro-war messages without being exposed as lying hypocrits, but perhaps that's not important to them.


Anna, over at the Belligerent Bunny Blog, asks: Does the DoJ know about MoveOn's plans and aren't they, er, illegal?

Posted by Neal Mauldin at February 20, 2003 02:12 PM | TrackBack

I fully support the actions of our President and our military to end the dictatorial and repressive regime of Saddam Hussein. Inspections have not, and will not, work to disarm Saddam. He has played the US and the UN for fools and patsies for 12 years. It is time to return the country of Iraq to a free and unoppressed Iraqi people.

Posted by: Barbara Merges on February 20, 2003 04:10 PM

"Here's the comment you intend to make:

'Wars are horrible - the second worst evil in the history of mankind. The worst is dictatorship, the cause of wars. It's vital for the U.S. to strike Saddam Hussein without mercy and free ourselves from his threat, and not incidentally the people of Iraq.'"

Posted by: Chris Land on February 20, 2003 04:18 PM

Is it so wrong to spam this site with fake names, addresses, e-mails, etc. in order to gum up the whole process? I mean, I registered as Amanda Huginkiss just now. And she totally agrees with President Bartlett. Just she wont be calling anytime soon.



Posted by: Rob Hartsock on February 20, 2003 04:20 PM

I think that *IS* wrong. It's funny, but it's wrong. Having a pro-war statement is a fair way of using the web site. Making pro-war people look like Bart Simpson does not actually help the case.

Posted by: angua on February 20, 2003 04:27 PM

Here's a copy of my submission to MoveOn.

Posted by: the Diablogger on February 20, 2003 05:11 PM

As I've explained more fully on my own blog, I think it is a mistake to register anything on that site. It's like showing up at a pro-Saddamanti-war rally and yelling "down with Saddam" from the back row. All the bean counters will care about, or even notice, is that one more person showed up at the rally.

Posted by: Xrlq on February 20, 2003 05:41 PM

Well, I guess that certainly may be true. But only if they choose to limit the messages that they promise to share with the nation. If they do that, it show's how morally dishonest they REALLY are, and they get hammered even worse.

Posted by: Neal on February 20, 2003 05:45 PM

I signed up and left an ambiguous message. Nothing fraudulent about my involvement. After all, my ultimate goal is peace. Just not temporary peace at the price of greater tyranny in the future.

Posted by: Anthony on February 20, 2003 05:47 PM

There is one more place to go, also:


that gives directions for a positive action as well. A posting had been made previously about the site mentioned above with a suggestion:


Do one or both; they will each have an effect.

Posted by: MommaBear on February 20, 2003 09:08 PM

I assume you lot dont actually read the papers, democracy is the last thing the Iraqi people ar going to get.


"In addition to the consultative council, an Iraqi commission would be formed to reestablish a judicial system. An additional commission would write a new constitution, although officials emphasized that they would not expect to "democratize" Iraq along the lines of the U.S. governing system. Instead, they speak of a "representative Iraqi government."

Representing Esso BP and Amaco no doubt.

One final point, if the anti-war movement is so unimportant, why are you all obsessed with us?

Posted by: Harmonia on February 21, 2003 11:17 AM

Actually, I don't think the anti-war movement is unimportant at all. I just wonder why most anti-war arguments are nothing more than thinly veiled America bashing diatribes with no substance, but lots of bluster and blather.

Nice way to start a post, by the way - "I assume you lot don't bother to read the newspapers". Perhaps you don't read them either, if you are advocating keeping Saddam in power and the Iraqi people under his heel.

Next time maybe you could actually leave us your blog address or a real e-mail address, rather than being an anonymous troll.

As for why are we obsessed with "you" - it's because we don't want a vocal fringe minority making policy for the rest of us. If you get to yell and scream and shout, then so do we.

Posted by: Neal on February 21, 2003 12:20 PM

That is a real email address tube.

No answer to my point, just the rather strange allegation that posting from the Washington Times is an "Anti-american diatribe"

Care to explain how quoting a US paper expressing the views of US officials is anti-american?

Posted by: harmonia on February 24, 2003 03:53 AM

The only thing certain about a post Saddam Iraqi government, is that the papers don't even agree on what form it'll take. There were at last count about 4 different plans reported.

"Representative" government IS what we have, the sentence you qoute contradicts itself. There isn't a pure democracy on the planet. They'll have a military governor for awhile, like Germany or Japan. Handing over their government to anyone there would'nt make any more sense than handing Berlin over to the locals the day the war ended. Don't read history much, do you?

Posted by: puggs on February 24, 2003 12:34 PM

Thanks for including a cautionary link to my blog. When I predicted last week that the counter-rally would backfire, I was privately hoping to be proved wrong. Unfortunately, if the current stories on Fox, CNN and MSNBC are any indication, I wasn't.

Posted by: Xrlq on February 26, 2003 06:18 PM

Reguardless of what the whining Hollywood Hippie-crits say, War IS sometimes necessary! I support the greatest president ever, George W. Bush, in his efforts, as our leader, to protect us from terrorism by removing the regime in Iraq. The people in Iraq have been held captive long enough.
Pray for our president. God bless President Bush!

Posted by: JaMa on March 4, 2003 02:40 PM
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