So, the first groups of human shields are being deployed in Iraq. Just like in real estate sales, I guess location is everything. Notice this little bit of information:
The volunteers planned to spend only one night at the station, but said others would rotate in to protect the infrastructure installation, which wasn't bombed during the 1991 Gulf War.
I wonder what gullible Saddam apologist is guarding the "baby milk factory" where the smallpox is stored?
That dofuss that said he tought he'd be alright cause he's going home in two days really pissed me off. Sitting on a building they say will be attacked, even though they know it wasn't in the first war? How utterly heroic of them, what big nads they've got. Now if they can get through the night without wetting their pants.
A side note, if I was Rummy, I would arange for a couple of F-18's to do a supersonic flyover at about 3 in the morning. BOOOOOM,........alert the press, I would love to see that panic reaction when they got blown out of their beds on FOX. I can hear the plaintive cries of "MOMMY" already..
Posted by: puggs on February 23, 2003 10:19 AM