February 23, 2003
UC Berkeley - Equal opportunity appeaser

Destroy university property in a violent anti-semitic protest, and get a settlement that you are "more than happy with" for doing so.

Apparently Berkeley is most interested in keeping Saddam in power AND being sure that those involved in anti-semitic violence are not inconvenienced too much. Inclusiveness, good karma, and love for all except the Jews.

Any doubt what would have happened to a group of Jewish students that used force to disrupt a peaceful pro-Palestinian demonstration (yes, I know I may be stretching the boundaries of believability by suggesting that such a peaceful demonstration could exist, but stay with me on this one).

And notice how the terms are "confidential" - no one but the university and the "more than happy" protestors get to know what those terms might be.

Via the Shark Blog:

[the rioters] were delighted with the outcome. They had faced the prospect of hearings on disruption charges, with a possible suspension of up to one year.

"None of us are going to have to take any forced absence from school," said Hoang Phan, a member of Students for Justice in Palestine. "We're all more than happy with this settlement."

Well, at least UCB is consistent - all terrorists and their supporters get a full pass.

Thanks to Instapundit for the pointer to the Shark tank.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at February 23, 2003 09:55 AM | TrackBack
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