Just once I wish one of these anti-war celebrities would get over feeling "persecuted" for their positions, and offer just 1 single alternative to resolve the issue.
George says "they" will resort to car bombs if we attack, because "they" have no other way to win. Well, give me a concrete example of what other ways WE have to win. Or do we not get to do that - try to protect our country and our way of life? And George may have missed a little event that took place a year and a half ago, actors being so introspective and self absorbed and all, but "they" already resorted to something a wee bit bigger than car bombs when they took out the world trade center.
Let's see, Clinton's appeasement and ineffectual responses didn't work, and in fact encouraged them to strike on our own soil. But stomping the snot out of the terrorists won't work either, because it will make other terrorists, who are already plotting our downfall, even madder and more ambitious. So what are we supposed to do, just surrender and kill ourselves now if we don't feel like being under Sharia law?
A little note to George about the "They" he is so concerned about and enamoured with:
They attacked us, not the other way around.
They chose to attack a purely civilian target, not the other way around.
They danced in the streets and celebrated when innocent civilians had to chose between a horrible fiery death, or a long fall to oblivion - not the other way around.
They have unilaterally attacked other soveriegn countries in a quest for ooooiiiilllll, not the other way around.
They have willfully ignored every appeal from the UN to disarm, not the other way around.
They have engaged in a deliberate pattern of deception to continue WMD development while supporting terroristic activities against the west, not the other way around.
They have funneled relief resources intended for the civilian population into WMD development, while hundreds of thousands perish - not the other way around.
They have intentionally used WMDs on their own people in order to stay in power, not the other way around.
They kill any dissenters, especially stupid actors who think they have some inner moral compass lacking in the rest of us, not the other way around.
They would lock George Clooney up, or execute him outright, for speaking out against them as he currently is against President Bush, not the other way around. (yeah, I know it's a repeat of the above, but I want George to have a real clear idea of how "unfairly" he is being treated by the current administration and American public).
They won't stop until They are stopped, period.
People wouldn't ridicule you and call you unpatriotic if instead of empty slogans and anti-American rhetoric you would offer sound and reasonable alternatives.
But thanks for the advice, George: We can't win, so let's just give up!
It's advice I won't be taking anytime soon.
I did like the movie Dusk to Dawn, though I would say Clooney's acting range is limited to playing the same character over and over. They just change the name.
It's not enough that Clooney has a big mouth and no judgement, he has to go overseas to bitch. Yeah buddy, that sounds patriotic as all Hell don't it. He offers Germans a dose of "I'm so embarressed to be an American" red meat. Thanks George. Excuse me for thinking you are a moron.
Posted by: puggs on February 23, 2003 09:06 PMYou seem to be mixing two different things us, the WTC attacks (Queda) and iraq.
They have nothing to do with each other, still you have to justify Bush's strange idea that the way to deal with osama is to attack Iraq.
Posted by: harmonia on February 24, 2003 03:55 AMTell me again how many of the WTC hijackers were Iraqi?
Posted by: harmonia on February 24, 2003 04:01 AMOh, it doesn't matter who the highjackers were any more.
Pretty much anyone middle-eastern is fair game now.
Except for Israel, of course.
69 broken UN Resolutions? BFFD!
And so what if they have WOMD's??
They're practically Merkuhns!
Oh Harmonia and Sylvain, why don't you sit down while Uncle Analog reads you a nice wittle set of facts?
The left keeps thinking that the right sees WTC and Iraq as the same. We don't. We see it as two different venomous animals ready to attack the U.S. And since the only thing the federal gov't is required to do is provide for the common defense, this has become the focal point of our foreign and domestic policies.
At this point and time we see Iraq as a problem that can be taken care of in a straightforward military fashion when either Hussein stops his half-assed cooperation with the inspectors or Blix takes off his weasel provided blinders and calls material breach. The osama problem is being taken care of in the way you take care of terroists. Let them live in fear for their lives. When you get the chance you either apprehend or eliminate them. Either way, both of the animals are being taken care of at the same time. One is just making more noise than the other. And never forget why the inspectors are back in Iraq after being told to pull out by Clinton.
Before I take care of your anti-semetic notes there Syl, I want to add the Norks to the discussion. The only reason they are screaming at this point and time is the same as why the french are screaming. They see the one of their biggest customers/debtors about to go under. They both sell billions of dollars of hardware in the M.E. If that goes away they will not be able to sell their crap on the free market.
Now, on to Israel. You are created by the governing world body of politic. Immediately thereafter you are attacked by your new neighbors merely because you exist. Multiple times. You repeatedly kick their asses and keep their land that you kicked their asses out of. This is common after a war. Germany had to do it after both WWI & WWII. These lands are the "occupied territories" we keep hearing about. Never mind that Israel has already given back a large amout of land to the instigators and losers of these wars.
An unwanted population then starts moving en masse to your area and then claims to have been there all along (when Israel was born, it housed populations of Jewish, Christian, Muslim peoples. And Arafat himself is a former Egyptian) They start commitiing terroist acts to try to get you to leave. The Muslim part of the world finally starts to support them (the so called "palestinians" have been driven out of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, etc and/or killed by the tens of thousands by these countries) and saying to the current world body of politic that they should be there.
Israel says they can live there, but only if they remain peaceful. But, alas, they want to drive you into the sea and refuse to be. The broken U.N. resolutions were actually broken by either Arafat or Hamas because they required the "palestinians" to remain peaceful as well. When they were broken by the "palestinians" they became null and void. And only people like you refuse to acknowledge this. You picked up a myth somewhere about the evil Jews and the poor little "palestinians". Get it out of your head.
Speaking of WMD Syl, are you going to deny that Iraq has them, or are you just clueless. Yes, Israel has nukes. Even the CIA says that they probably had them long before we knew about it. And yet they have never used them. Not even in self defense during the first gulf war. Why might that be? If they were such the evil peoples you claim they are , why don't they just round up the "palestinians" in a small area and liquidate them. This is surely what Muslim countries have done to the Jews in the past. And what makes you think that Hussien won't give the "palestinians" some nerve/bio agent to light off in Tel Aviv so they won't run out of regular nail bombs? He gives the "martyrs" families money for blowing up busloads of kids going to school.
You two are just another couple of America/Isreal haters. And, silly me, I've always been told that the left were supposed to be the tolerant ones.
Sorry to take up so much space here Nukevet, I promise to get my own space up and running soon.
Posted by: analog kid on February 24, 2003 05:28 AM"An unwanted population then starts moving en masse to your area and then claims to have been there all along"
So all those Palestinians uprisings against the British in the 1930's were carried out by Phantoms?
Dont make me laugh
I hate America because I post articles from American papers?
You really are a funny guy.
Posted by: harmonia on February 24, 2003 09:29 AMThe thought that Iraq and 9/11 have nothing to do with each other is selfdeception. They are the same order of evil, and frankly the contacts between Saddam and Al Quada do exist, you two just choose to ignore any information that doesn't support your arguement. If a member of a street gang commits a crime, I don't discriminate among them looking only for the exact one who did it, I want them all. Anything else is worse than useless.
They all come from the same source, the middle east is a collection of butchers, tyrants, false kings and islamic zealots. Almost all enabling and funding the terrorists. You can sit and pick nits till Hell freezes over, but if we allow one of them to aquire an Islamic Bomb", we'll get one sooner or later in an even more terrible day than the one in September.
You two fail to understand the nature of our enemies. You choose the easy path, be cynical if you like. But this isn't going to go away. We stand down now and you better go buy some duct tape and bottled water, because the fight will be brought to us, count on it.
Harmonia, you don't really think that we can leave the middle east as it exist now do you? The US is doing what we have to, we didn't want to have to smash the facists and rebuild Europe in the forties, but we did.
Oh, by the way, What did Germany have to do with Pearl Harbour anyway Harmonia? By your arguement Europe would be free of Jews, and the camps and ovens would still be open for business. There are always reasons and excuses to do nothing but wring your hands. Most of us would rather clean out the nest than leave the remnants free to come after our kids.
If it makes you squeamish, look away. We will fight terrorists and their enablers everywhere we find them. This isn't a debate anymore, the shooting has already started, it's just target selection now.
Posted by: puggs on February 24, 2003 12:18 PMI think you need to laugh a little more Harmonia. Maybe that stick up your ass that makes you hate the greatest bastion of freedom the world has ever seen will jiggle itself loose.
You hate America for some reason unbeknownst to me. I would like to think that it is something simple like you got your mind warped by the socios in the UK. But it is something you will need to seek therapy for. So I hope you know where your medical ID card is, because if you don't get help soon you'll start to turn into a hyena.
And you should also follow the money to see just where those "palestinian" uprisings got their beginnings.
I personally love the way you can't beat a fact so you change the subject. I only brought the palis into the discussion as an example of what Israel is dealing with. So you might as well bring up the Boers dear.
Posted by: analog kid on February 24, 2003 08:29 PMI dont Hate America, I like the place and the people, just your regime that needs changing.
"The thought that Iraq and 9/11 have nothing to do with each other is selfdeception. They are the same order of evil"
So is pedophillia, does that mean Osama is linked to that too.
"Oh, by the way, What did Germany have to do with Pearl Harbour anyway Harmonia?"
It was allied to Japan, and Germany declared war on you not the other way round. Indeed while French, British and Russian soldiers were being killed fighting the Nazis America was appeasing Hitler.
Posted by: harmonia on February 25, 2003 04:48 AM"Before I take care of your anti-semetic notes there Syl"
There were no anti-semetic notes.
"You picked up a myth somewhere about the evil Jews and the poor little 'palestinians'."
I do not defend "palestinians". I make little distinction between the two conflicting parties.
Each does what it feels it needs to survive, each has committed atrocities. Both are reprehensible, I've said so before.
"Speaking of WMD Syl, are you going to deny that Iraq has them, or are you just clueless."
Nope. Remember, I am for getting rid of Saddam.
"If they were such the evil peoples you claim they are"
I make no such claim, here anyway. That's a completely different comment thread I would think.
To much to debate there,
What everybody here fails to realize is that I BACK ACTION AGAINST IRAQ.
You don't have to like Bush to love America you know.
Don't lump me into any leftist anti-war arguement. It seems the point was missed altogether-I'm for the whole ME being either changed drastically or reduced to it's self-inflicted demise. ALL OF IT.
If you actually are FOR ousting Saddam and the M.E. going through a radical moral change for the better, than an apology goes out to you. I do not keep up with everyone's opinions and I think if you re-read you earlier comment you'll see where I believed you to be coming from. I still do not enjoy youy example of the broken U.N. resolutions. That is a very weak and anti-Israeli argument and needs to be stomped out of existence by being shown for the vile piece of propaganda that it is.
Har and Syl, believe it or not, there are multiple things that Bush (Blair for Har)and I disagree on. But I do not agree that his is a "regime" in your use of the word. I believe he is looking out for my country's defense and believes that Al Quiayda and Iraq are the two lagrest threats to me as a citizen. You can disagree with him and I all you want but when the chips are down who would you rather be leading your country? Bush (Blair for Har) or your choice of Gore, Chirac, Schroeder, Cretien or Al Sharpton.
(had to add some comic relief in there)
Have a good week.
Was giving arms and food to Britain in 1940 appeasing Hitler? Was trading 50 mothballed destroyers for a Greenland base and escorting convoys halfway across the atlantic appeasing Hitler? Was accepting British children into American homes to allow them to escape the Blitz appeasing Hitler? Your reading of history is selective Harmonia.
Germany was indeed allied to Japan, but the threat from him wasn't imminent, no fleet or invasion force from Germany threatened us. We could have ignored Hitler till Japan was crushed.
Osama is the same order of evil as pedophillia? Sure is, and we go after them too. We also execute serial killers, get over it.
Our "regime" is just fine, he's the right man for the time. I voted for him, and will again. That you refer to the goverment of the US as a "regime" is not only intolerant, but ignorant as well. Bush didn't suddenly appear fom a puff of smoke, he represents a vast segment of America. If you think Bush were removed from office that US policy would change greatly, well you don't understand America at all. We have had an abject lesson in the results of a lack of attention to the bad guys of the world. 3000 dead is not something you shrug off.
You really don't get the point at all Harmonia. We will kill Saddam, and free Iraq. We don't need your premission. If the UN says no, we'll do it anyway, since ignoring them just gets the French to offer resolutions giving you more time. More time to move on to help the uprising in Iran, more time to pick off the petty dictaterships across the middle east.
Put on a helmit and buy a cup Harmonia. This war is only beginning.
Posted by: puggs on February 25, 2003 10:33 AM50 clapped out destroyers for a lot of money and bases in the carribian was not a bad deal, even Joseph kennedy, your ambassador to the UK, and a man who loved Hitler, thought so.
You seem to have missed the point that Hitler attacked you.
So where was America when Hitler invaded Poland, France , Holland, Denmark , france and Russia?
Still trading with germany thats where.
Germany declared war on you, look it up.
Our "regime" is just fine, he's the right man for the time. I voted for him,"
You are in a minority then, except amongst supreme court justices of course.
"If the UN says no, we'll do it anyway"
Isnt that why we are going for Iraq, because it ignores the UN?
"Put on a helmit and buy a cup Harmonia. This war is only beginning"
War without end, at least until we put an end to it, which we will, trust me on that.
Hahahaha I love it. I go AFK for a day, and look at what happens. Syl finds a soul-mate in Harmonia, and regime change talk abounds.
Thanks to Puggs and the Kid for defending the perimeter while I'm away. Today is a full day of consulting, but I think I want to do a little round-up of this discussion for general consumption, either tonight or tommorw when I'm back on the bayou.
I love the cry of "but you can't attack Iraq, there were no Iraqi's involved in 9/11". A claim that has been patently proven to be false. Did they pilot the planes - nope. Did they provide intelligence and CnC support - it sure looks that way.
Iraq and Al Qaeda are demonstrably different aspects of the same problem - terrorists organizations that have attacked us, and will again given the opportunity.
Harmonia's take on WWII is a bit peculiar to me as well - was there reluctance to get involved by the "American man on the street", especially after going into WWI, which we could have just sat out? Sure. But DID we fight and help carry the day - Sure again.
And I really love how someone from the UK comes aboard and spews the same old leftist crap that we get here. All of your little jibes about the legitimacy of the Bush administration are old, tiresome, and completely lacking substance. You hate the man, and seek to validate your opinion by snide and snotty remarks. If you ever want to offer any actual alternatives to regime change in Iraq, we would be happy to listen.
You dont accept George got less than 505 of the vote?
In most places that would be losing, but not when your daddy appointed the supreme court!
"Did they pilot the planes - nope. Did they provide intelligence and CnC support - it sure looks that way."
One scrap of evidence, just one, or else you better keep that big trap shut.
Alternative to war, dont have a war, simple enough for you?
The Siviet union had nukes pointed at the west for 40 years, do you think we should have launched a pre-emptive attack, and if not why not.
"old leftist crap"
When you have no argument, reach for the abuse, the slogan of conservatives throughout the ages.
Posted by: harmoni on February 25, 2003 11:23 AMI assume by "1 scrap of evidence" you are choosing to ignore the meeting between Atta and Iraqi intelligence on at least 2 seperate occasions before 9/11.
As fo abuse, I've never once told you to "shut up". And, since it's my house, I certainly don't have to take that kind of crap from a whiney little UK leftist.
Posted by: Neal on February 25, 2003 11:46 AMWelcome back Neal, excuse me a sec, ......he's rushing the wire again.
Harmonia if your views on Bush weren't so absurd they'd be funny. I will not argue the process of US elections with a Brit who has no say in them anyway. Especially since you are spouting lefty rhetoric that even democrats don't use hardly at all anymore.
Reread what I said, I didn't say Germany didn't declare war on us. I said they weren't in a position to force us to fight them till we were ready.
Trading with Germany is a distorted view. Up till he invaded them all the countries you name were trading with Hitler. From the snotty little remarks I take it you are one of those anti-capitolists who thinks world trade is EVIL. If so, then I take it back, you are funny.
"Put on a helmit and buy a cup Harmonia. This war is only beginning"
War without end, at least until we put an end to it, which we will, trust me on that.
Harmonia I wouldn't trust you to fall and hit the friggin ground. You think the "peace" movement can stop us? Really? Oh this just gets funnier. Please stop, it hurts when I laugh to hard. Why I had no idea that fringe types such as yourself can do what the Nazi's and the Soviets couldn't. We leave our enemies scattered like roadkill. Bring it on if you got the hair.
Thanks for the kind words Neal. Don't ya just love the smell of victory? Gotta run now and put out some more Claymores.
Time to add another name to the list of people never to be admitted to the United States.
The 50 destroyers were old, but Englend asked for them, we didn't go over and beg them to take them. Those same 50 4-stackers might well have been more valuable to us after Pearl Harbor than any money or bases we got from England. The bases we were given - to defend British territories, were just to calm the fury for having given the destroyers away.
I have sentenced dear "Harmonia" to the petulant child time out bin. Perhaps I will unban her, perhaps not. I guess I don't see where she get's to tell me or anyone else on my blog to "keep there big trap shut". Funny she complains about insults, but is the one hurling them.
I would also respect these people a lot more if they would ever, just once, leave a valid e-mail address or have their own friggin blog to express their opinions.
Posted by: Neal on February 25, 2003 09:41 PMWell, that's really the point, isn't it. Ignore everything in the original Clooney post, and decide to make your stand on "but none of the hijackers were Iraqi". Then deny ANY evidence that Saddam had any contacts with Al Qaeda as being immaterial.
And I generally don't mind anyone posting on my blog. I just think that posting here is a right earned by being civil in your discourse. If you can't foloow that one simple rule, then best go away.
Posted by: Neal on February 26, 2003 07:06 PMI'm glad Harmonia got chased away - in fact since 70% of the Brits don't want war anyway - why do we need them anyway?!? They would've been the smallest fuckin' province in the Soviet Empire without our help.
I mean comeon with a Al Queda training camp in (Kurdish controlled) northern Iraq and meetings between Iraq and Al Queda (although this guy didn't make the top 20 most wanted in Al Queda - there's just too many of those evil types) there's plenty of connections between these two evil groups who normally have different views.
Since there are stronger connections between the countries of Yemen, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia (among others) and Al Queda I'm just upset why we don't give them a nice radioactive glassy sheen. That'll teach those terrorists and anyone who doesn't agree with us that the United States of America won't try to talk (or bribe) our way out of this! We'll put an end to war - by putting an end to ALL OF THEM!
If the rest of the world doesn't like it, well toooooooo baaaaaad! America over all!!
Posted by: Jamin on February 27, 2003 01:26 AMWell, I'll probably take Harmonia off of the old "time-out" list. Like I said, al I ask is at least an attempt at civility. If I didn't like dissenting opinions, I would just disable comments altogether.
Posted by: Neal on February 27, 2003 10:31 AMWhy'd you let the whinny pinko Harmonia back on? This person is just going to spout dumb arguements and resort to name calling. Another foreign idiot who doesn't know how the US works. We don't need to listen to anyone who doesn't understand us!
We'll just have to keep saving their asses from threats they don't have the sense to recognize. If you need some great evidence to show some ungrateful foreigner check out. https://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82/
Well, there is always the entertainment value to consider.
Posted by: Neal on February 28, 2003 08:09 AM