February 25, 2003
Speaking of America hating trollops

Harmonia, go read this, and then get back to us on why we should give Saddam a pass. Oh, right, you can't get back to us on my blog. Well, start your own blog and tell us what you think, then.

It really is amusing to watch someone who desn't even live here parrot the loonie left. Read the comments in my ode to Clooney if you want a real example of sheepish regurgitation of drivel offered as reasoned discourse.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at February 25, 2003 09:58 PM | TrackBack

The thing is, she didn't adress or counter a single arguement from anyone. She would toss out a single line from one of us and attack it out of the context it was made in. I doubt she even read what any of us wrote entirely.

It must be tough engaging in a debate with your fingers jammed in your ears.

Posted by: puggs on February 26, 2003 12:00 AM

Bit difficult to answer when you are banned,

It seems you little dittoheads only like freedon of speech if you agree with the speaker.

Posted by: harmonia on February 28, 2003 08:57 AM

Ahhhh, dear Harmonia returns. And starts off by calling us "dittoheads".

As I pointed out, I have no problem with dissent, even purile "but your president isn't even elected, he stole the presidency because of his daddy's supreme court appointees" conspiracy theorists. All I ask is that they try and keep a civil tongue.

It's funny how civility is an abstract concept to the "left". Anyone who disagrees is fair game to be called names, compared to Hitler, etc, etc, etc.

At least try and be entertaining if you aren't going to offer any arguments of real substance. Keep acting like a moron, and I have no problem using the ban button. And I can ban as many IP sites as you can find, so no worries there. If you want to engage in some type of discourse that rises above name calling and insulting the President, I think you'll find people willing to take you up on it. Otherwise, go hang out with the tin hat crowd where you can all congratulate each other on how clever your jibes against the US are.

Posted by: Neal on February 28, 2003 09:37 AM

Oh i see, offensive is defined as disagreeing with you.

"It's funny how civility is an abstract concept to the "left". Anyone who disagrees is fair game to be called names, compared to Hitler, etc, etc, etc."

Weird you had no comment on a thread that called me a "Trollop"

Got a comment on that now, or is it ban button time?

Posted by: harmoni on February 28, 2003 09:57 AM

You know, I can't tell if you are really this stupid, or the only weapon you have at your defense is to be intentionally obtuse and hope the other side gets tired of listen to you rant and rave. It's apparent that you have either not read (likely) or not understood (perhaps more likely) any of my comments on the subject.

Is it banning time? Perhaps, although I figure life is hard, so it must be even harder if you're stupid, and I try and give those people a break. I thought perhaps you might have an actual argument to make, so I opend your ISP back up. But whiney tantrums seem to be the order of the day.

Posted by: Neal on February 28, 2003 10:10 AM

You guys are funny

You accuse the left as "It's funny how civility is an abstract concept to the "left". Anyone who disagrees is fair game to be called names, compared to Hitler, etc, etc, etc."

In a thread that calls me a trollop.

Now can you actually see that contradiction or is it beyond you totally?

Posted by: harmoni on February 28, 2003 11:00 AM

If you had read more than a handful of posts Harmoni, you would know that disagreement isn't the issue. Neal and I disagree on religion, others on other issues, but we don't insult each other for a cheap ego boost.

Dittohead being the ultimate insult. Thats kinda like bouncing spitballs off armor plate. From my prospective it's better to be in agreement with someone to build and protect than to stand outside the window hoping the whole damn place burns down. Yeah we mock things and people in the news that annoy us, can you say you and your friends do not?

While Neal is more than able to defend himself, I have to say this. You come here to mock, insult, and condescend, then are SHOCKED that you don't get treated with respect? Harm if you want to have a fair disscussion and debate of your views, start by showing some manners.

Posted by: puggs on February 28, 2003 12:09 PM

Oh, I see the distinction completely. I chose the name for that post specifically after getting told to shut my big fat trap by a visitor to my site who didn't agree with what I said vis a vis the relationship between Saddam and al Qaeda (a position that was never refuted, by the way, just followed up with more crap about Bush stealing the presidency).

But, it's my blog, which seems to be a distinction that you have trouble grasping. Comment trolls usually post their drivel in the hopes that people will respond to it. I'm done responding to yours. Post all the crap you want. As long as it doesn't annoy me too much, I will just ignore it. If you actually decide to have some form of reasoned discourse on a topic, any topic, then all the better. If you just disappear from my blog one day, people will never know if it's because you got tired of being ignored/ridiculed, or if I got tired of giving you free bandwidth to spread your version of events.

I know this comes as a big shock to you, but most of us here in the US just don't care what your ilk think. You sit there and impotently rage against the evil empire of the US while tolerating far worse in your own back yard. You hate us? Fine, don't care. You want me to provide a forum for such nonsense - not gonna happen. Go over to Warblogger Watch. I'm sure you will be greeted as a brother in non-arms by that crew.

Posted by: Neal on February 28, 2003 12:25 PM

Byee then

I think my point has been made.

Posted by: harmonia on March 3, 2003 04:13 AM

Byee then

I think my point has been made.

Posted by: harmonia on March 3, 2003 04:13 AM

well,is'nt this a fine fettle of fish. the left and right have been reduced to this.
bad planning and corporate coziness with the current administration are the main thrust of
the issues.
for bush to get into iraq is folly.just as the middle east has been uncontrollable for millenia,so it will be for the u.s.the intractability of the problems in trying to
govern a country that is so used the horrendous
pressures of war and represssion are going to swamp our resources both politicaly and economicly
the interim iraqui goverment will never come to any kind of decision by the timetable set out by the u.s.
so many foreign powers have trted to manifest hegomany on so many areas of the middle east,and the shear tedium and expense of occupying the place has sent everyone from alexander to gorbachov regretting have ever gotten involved.if some one fom the pro incursion side of this equation could show the cost benefit side to this morass,i'm sure it would make some very entertaining fiction.we think ther's going to be a functioning pipeline to turkey? not unless we post a guard every three feet.every faction in the entire middle east is going to wreak havoc with anything that has the scent of american interests on it.
let's see,what else is there to take issue with the administration with? plenty.
for one,our very isolationist global stance.apparently,nafta and the wto are just a way to give corporations a cheap labor base,with the accompaning tax breaks that are so easy to negotiate.such things as the kyoto treaty and the world court are given very short shrift by the gop.how long do the gop think that can last? the nation did not get rich by imports,the nation got rich by exports.reagonomics assume that the very wealthy have some inborn disposition to take care of the poor,also called the trickle down.what tripe.it seemed pretty obvious to me that the iraqui excursion was just a classic example of diversion.the dems felt that there had been chicanery with the electoral college results,the nation as a whole was very worried about the financial situations,bush was alienating everyone he could on the foreign scene,and really there wre more compelling issues then the wmd claims that were all the buzz.the gop seems to believe that the middle class does'nt notice that their kids are sharing textbooks,don't have current technology,and are being tracked by the military from first grade on.what does this say about the richest nation on earth? that we don't have the insight to educate our future to a higher standard then the last?
and what does this say to us about goverments comittment to its population when it espouses privation of social security in a climate of such unbridled corruption and greed? in the midst of the closure of one of the big five,for crying out loud!so the goverment wants merrill lynch to run the treasury? sure,why not.want to search our homes without probable cause(just a hunch will do ya!),ok.go ahead and throw out the entire bill of rights,too.who needs free speech? the perception i get,is that there is steady erosion of the very pillers of democracy.i can accept that the gop has finally got the control they have so ardently pursued,and if you have the votes to carry your agenda so be it.but i believe the characters in this play are going to look very shortsighted in many respects.in order for there to be national cohesion,people need to believe the nation stands for something compatable with their own interest.how on earth is the current spate of legislation going to help the general population?billlions of incentives to the energy companies for what?are they perchance getting any closer to marketing renewable energy thats polllutant free?to some small extent,perhaps,but mostly just to give them additional funds to drill off santa babara.the lies that this administration has are in the record for all to see.the disrepancies are glaring,it has really been a treat to see the the incredibly bold and brash propaganda push out of dc.for example,the turks.the turks are very proud people.they have been solidly u.s. allies for fifty some odd years.i can't really think of a time when they were'nt staunchly on our side.they wre our allies in korea,and have been very reliable allie in many aspects of middle eastern politics.yet,when the vote came out to not permit movements out.the instantly villified by the goverment in the strongest tems.perhaps if we had listened to some of our many (ustabe)friends around they world,perhaps bush might of realized that they just might 'bring it on'.every historian knows that flux is the state of the middle east since the beginning of time.iraq is a plague on our house,and old europe tried to tell us that.fdr knew it churchill knew it,powell and kissinger tried to get their voices in and were shouted down.the cia complained of pressure,and so did the dod,and the white house has just smiled and lied about so very many things that im amazed by their arrogance.its unbelievable that so many people have been sucked in to thinking that their lives are some how better under the looting lying freaks in the white house.
so,i don't really know what all the name calling was about,but i thought i'd try to get the discussion elevated a little.bushies,defend yourselves!

Posted by: bruce on November 14, 2003 03:50 PM
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