March 05, 2003
Shut up, you monkey

Wow, even participants in an Islamic summit meant to show solidarity and avert war can't get along with Iraq.

And how about this paragraph:

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah al Ahmad al Sabah told reporters the clash proved that only the voluntary exile of Saddam and his leadership could avert war.

This step was "the only thing and the miracle that can end this matter and the miracle is in the Iraqis' hands," he said.

Hmmmmm, apparently everyone can see that except the anti-war protestors spread out across the globe. Still waiting for a single anti-war protest that makes Saddam the focus of the demonstration.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at March 05, 2003 05:15 PM | TrackBack

It's one thing to be for action against Saddam, quite another to enjoy neccessary killing.
I wouldn't want my name on an errant bomb that kills innocents, and I certainly don't want to see anyone nuked.
I'll back action against Iraq, but I won't enjoy it. I'll back the troops with the hope their mission is short,but not if they are laughing while dropping bombs.
Sorry-- I just don't think this type of levity is appropriate to the situation.
My 2 rusty coins

Posted by: Sylvain on March 6, 2003 03:59 AM

You'll support the troops if you don't find their attitude offensive? The military has as many opinions and attitudes as it has people Sylvain, are you going to check them all? Thats an unfair as Hell criticism to level at people risking death for us. If you are refering to the previous post on the writing on shells and bombs, our troops have done that since WWI, it's not new. They also paint naked titties on their aircraft, most of those men are very young, loosen up already.

Black humor about death is one way the human mind deals with the utter horror of war. Care to guess how many jokes about nuclear war I knew while assigned to the 90th strategic missile wing? How many involved turning Moscow into a sea of fussed glass? Since we would have been killed in full exchange, I reserve the right to say we were entitled to laugh and make jokes about it. We had 15 minutes warning tops of an inbound missile launch, and the Soviets targeted on average 3 2-4 megaton warheads per US base, do the math.

Be grumpy if you like, but rest assured that no one actualy fighting or training to fight is laughing at the killing. You've seen to many movies. The laughter is at irony and circumstances, not at civilian deaths for Christ's sake. Give other people credit for some humanity.

Posted by: puggs on March 6, 2003 09:03 AM

I'll support the troops regardless of their personal opinions--I retract that statement.
And I know that they've been writing messages on bombs since bombs were invented.
Like I said, I wouldn't want my name on an errant bomb, and most assuredly not on a nuke.
And I will support action, but will get no enjoyment out of it.
I'm not passing judgement on you or anyone else, just my personal POV. Should have made that more clear--sorry. You know a few drinks, and a run at the keyboard.
We don't have to agree all the time, still love the blog, still respect the blogger.

Posted by: Sylvain on March 6, 2003 06:56 PM

Fair enough.

Posted by: puggs on March 7, 2003 12:24 AM
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