March 11, 2003
Ahhh, those peaceful anti-war types

Destroying a memorial to the victims of September 11th - what a classy thing to do.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at March 11, 2003 02:37 PM | TrackBack

America has already killed enough innocent people in revenge for 911.
The US only attacks countries which are too poor to fight back. Cowards.
Fat greedy ignorant cowards.

Posted by: dc on March 11, 2003 08:06 PM

Ahh... trolls. How they wrap themselves in self-righteousness. I suppose you would prefer we attacked a country which had a parity of military force? But wait... such a country doesn't exist. So then, we are supposed to ignore any "little, weak" country that might threaten us, because, after all, if we were to attack them, we might crush them. Yes, an interesting point. Certainly, no country or group can hope to harm any Americans, so we are safe. But what's this? It's possible that Americans could still be attacked, even though our military is unmatched? Well, MAYBE WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING TO PREVENT THAT ATTACK, JACKASS.

Posted by: JC on March 11, 2003 11:57 PM

Oh Hell yeah, let the games begin. Stand in the daylight dc, yelling from a basement window just gets you stares. You say Americans are cowards, but I notice you didn't leave an e-mail address, so just who is the coward here? Oh come on, here troll, nice troll, puggs has got a nice big stick to pet you with. Aw, I'll even leave a trail of granola for you. Pay no attention to the bitter almond smell, it's good for you.

Well I broke my own rule earlier for this freak, I called him something, so I'm weak. I'm tired and sore, and I'm already doing pennance for a reckless youth so fuck it. I can forgive alot, but not slack jawed drooling on yourself inbred stupidity. I still have enough fight left in me for that.

Posted by: puggs on March 12, 2003 01:40 AM

HAhahahahahahah! I knew it - sooner or later Harmonia would post something from "" and offer it as evidence for something.

COnspiracy theorists of the world unite! Has anyone seen my tin foil hat.

So, DC and Harm, I'm gueesing that you don't have a problem with a group desecrating a memorial to innocent victims to make an anti-war statement? Or did you just forget to comment on that bit?

Posted by: Neal on March 12, 2003 09:14 AM

I never went to WRH until now, I didn't miss anything. What, you couln't find anyone who wasn't a nut to back you up Harm? Oh please, give us a break and find links to actual information and not propaganda sites for the reality impaired.

Posted by: puggs on March 12, 2003 10:19 AM

Of course I am against trashing a memorial, I just doubt it was anti-war protestors.

I note with interest the tears from those who fully support the visiting of the horrors of 9-11 onto more innocents.

BTW all that trading with Iraq the Evil french do, the USA has just doubled oil imports from Iraq,6903,882512,00.html

Posted by: harmonia on March 12, 2003 10:46 AM

United States senate report on COINTELPRO.

So now you cant trash the sourse, what?

Posted by: harmonia on March 12, 2003 10:48 AM

Now with link!

Posted by: harmonia on March 12, 2003 10:48 AM

Another titbit on this story:

"Another curious side of this already-odd story, is the fact that this was done in plain view of La Habra police officers. And they weren't stopped or warned - they were protected. La Habra Police Capt. John Rees said the vandals were "exercising the same freedom of speech that the people who put up the flags were." The problem is that destroying private property isn't free speech, and the memorial's builders and caretakers had the permission of the site's owner."

The cops just stood and watched, hmmm.

Posted by: harmonia on March 12, 2003 11:13 AM


I don't doubt the issues raised in the story, I just think it is TREMENDOUSLY amusing that your mirror to the story through "".

But now I see where you get most of your ideas about Bush, 9/11, and Iraq. But hey, it's posted on the internet, so it must be true!

Posted by: Neal on March 12, 2003 12:53 PM

The so-called desecration of a memorial to the already dead pales into insignificance beside the murders committed in Afghanistan and proposed for Iraq. Neither country 'threatens americans'. Your obesity is a bigger threat.

If dropping bombs on civilians from 2 miles in the air isn't cowardice I don't know what is.

Posted by: dc on March 12, 2003 01:32 PM

Cool, DC the moron is getting close to being only the second person ever IP banned from RNS (both from the UK, hmmmmmmmm).

Maybe a visual traceroute to find ol' DC would be worth the trouble after all.

Posted by: Neal on March 12, 2003 01:46 PM

Allowing a beast like Huessein to rack even higher body counts so you can sit back and whine about the evil US putting an end to it is cowardice. What the people Saddam kills don't count? The number of people killed in a war would be no more than Saddam himself kills in two months, but it would end it.

We don't need your approval dc, we'll do it anyway.

Posted by: puggs on March 12, 2003 01:50 PM

Sure Harm, the police did nothing, but all the news reports show the community is outraged. Criminal charges will be filed, and they are rebuilding the memorial. If the goal was to turn people against the war by desecration, it failed miserably.

Posted by: puggs on March 12, 2003 01:53 PM
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