This story surprises me.
Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at March 12, 2003 07:18 PM | TrackBackYou are aware that the country that really supports Iraq is one that buys 1 million barrels of Iraqi oil per day.
Mind you thats the USA so we better not mention it!
Posted by: harmonia on March 13, 2003 03:32 AMSo I guess we should just take their oil then, thanks Harm for the suggestion.
Seriously though, do you have any idea how small that amount is compared to what we use in a day? Less than 5% of the oil we use comes from Iraq. We buy from the world market, as does every other oil importer. If you think we could just stop importing and take the bus, then you don't understand us at all. If you are so concerned about the use of oil, then don't buy anything made of plastic, or prescription drugs, food transported by truck, train, or airplane. Never leave home except on a bicycle, don't heat your home or use electricity, and on and on.
Like it or not, modern life depends on oil Harm, tell Europe to stop using it, and we'll consider it, maybe. But only because by the time you've finished reinventing the wheel, we'll have moved on to something newer and better.
Nice thought about just taking the oil though, thanks.
Posted by: puggs on March 13, 2003 05:14 AMBut what about the fact your government is doing exactly what you accuse the French of doing?
Thanks for admitting it's about oil, though we do have to question what God was up too, putting all of our oil under someone elses country.
Perhaps its a test?
Posted by: harmonia on March 13, 2003 06:36 AM"country that really supports Iraq is one that buys 1 million barrels of Iraqi oil per day"
Evidence? From a reliable, unbiased source?
Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on March 13, 2003 07:02 AMUs government an ok source?
Perhaps you should start to boycott gasoline rather than french Fries?
Also UK Observer (a pro-war newspaper),6903,882512,00.html
Posted by: harmonia on March 13, 2003 07:43 AMThe difference, Harm, is that the oil the US buys from Iraq is through LEGAL means, oil the UN allows Iraq to sell for "humanitarian" purposes. What France and Germany have done is completely different, flies in the face of what they are trying to force the US to do (abide by UN resolutions when they don't), and, by crippling inspections in the 90's, France has allowed Saddam to divert this money away from it's humanitarian targets into his weapons programs.
Posted by: Neal on March 13, 2003 08:55 AMSo you are not planning a boycott of Iraqi gas then?
Or even a campaign demanding that the big oil companies stop bankrolling Saddam?
How odd.
After all many of the bullets flying towards our troops will be paid for by us, in the face of that changing the name of french fries to war, sorry freedom fries seems a bit asinine dont you think?
Posted by: harmonia on March 13, 2003 09:41 AMHarmonia, can you speak proper English? Or even British? That sentence (or, to be more precise--that series of run-on sentences) made no sense whatsoever.
Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on March 13, 2003 10:07 AMThings must be tough mate when all you can respond is "your grammer is not very clear"
Have you seen this? quite mad.
By Tamara Lytle | Sentinel Bureau Chief
Posted March 13, 2003
WASHINGTON -- First it was french fries and french toast. Now the bones of U.S. servicemen are being dragged into the conflict between France and the United States over war in Iraq.
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Brooksville, plans to introduce a bill today proposing that the families of the thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen buried in France and Belgium be allowed to dig up their remains and have them shipped home.
"The remains of our brave servicemen should be buried in patriotic soil, not in a country that has turned its back on the United States and on the memory of Americans who fought and died there," Brown-Waite said
Harm, did you even look at the reference? A million barrels a day?
It's less than 600,000 per day--and purchased legally, under a UN program.
If you'd like to be taken seriously, at least do us the courtesy of getting your facts straight.
Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on March 13, 2003 11:42 AMWell, that is the point that Harm is either missing completely, or just choosing to ignore (as she does with most facts that deon't support he thesis). The US buys oil from Opec, which includes oil from Iraq. This Iraqi oil is sanctioned by the UN, and the profits from it are supposed to go to humanitarian missions within Iraq. Saddam has completely ignored this proviso, and most of the proceeds from the sale of this oil are diverted elsewhere. France and Germany, on the other hand, have openly defied UN authority and sold conventional/biologic/chemical weapons to Iraq duing a period of sanction when the UN goal was supposed to be disarmament. Are you really so dense that you don't see the difference between these 2 things, or are you just that disingenuous?
So, the US purchases oil from Iraq, as does everyone else who buys oil from OPEC. This under a legal program meant to provide innocent civilians with food/basic necessities. Saddam has neglected his own people, and allows them to die while he uses the money elsewhere. This would seem to leave Harm only 2 possible options:
1) Stop buying oil from Iraq - and cut the civilian population off from ANY humanitarian aid. Certainly a small percentage of the aid you are supposed to get is better than no aid at all, right?
2) Completely remove sanctions from Iraq, and let Saddam do whatever he pleases.
So, which of these positions are you taking, Harm? It seems you feel like "principled" nations should refuse to purchase this UN sanctioned oil - thereby denying the people of Iraq ANY relief at all.
Posted by: Neal on March 13, 2003 12:36 PMHarm we do not buy directly from Iraq, it's through the UN monitored food for oil program, remember the sanctions? It's perfectly legal. Also are you really suggesting that we should starve out the Iraqi's? Hasn't the hue and cry from the peace community been that the sanctions are killing Iraqi children?
If we remove Huessein we are called imperialist.
If we leave him alone and enforce the sanctions, we are called murderers.
Explain to me why exactly that doesn't make you and the peace activists Saddam's stooges? Our critics damn us for just existing, we aren't listening anymore.
Is it so incomprehensible to you that the bones of our war dead are sacred to us? We won't allow them to lie in a nation that betrays and spits on their homeland. Is Honor beyond your understanding? Has the culture in some places in Europe fallen so far that you can't allow for that as a motivation?
Posted by: puggs on March 13, 2003 12:36 PMOh, now thats scarey, almost the same kind of thoughts posted at the same time.
Posted by: puggs on March 13, 2003 12:40 PMHehe, yep. People already have trouble telling us apart, dammit!
Posted by: Neal on March 13, 2003 12:50 PM