Chile proposes giving Saddam 21 days to meet the following conditions:
� Allow 30 scientists to be interviewed outside Iraq, with their families, should they so desire;
� Identify all stocks of chemical weapons known to have existed before 1998 or provide documentation proving they have been destroyed;
� Identify all stocks of anthrax known to have existed before 1998 or provide documentation proving they have been destroyed;
� Destroy all banned Al Samoud 2 missiles and their components; and
� Release information regarding any drone aircraft so that they cannot disperse chemical weapons.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but aren't these all things that the Iraqi's were supposed to have done on at least 2 seperate occassions? So why do we believe that giving him another 21 days accomplishes anything? Just curious.
Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at March 14, 2003 04:14 PM | TrackBack