March 23, 2003

If the war protestors continue their antics while the Coalition troops are hailed as liberators, don't they truly become anti-liberation protestors? Aren't they saying "we don't care what the Iraqi people want, we don't care that they are happy the war is being prosecuted against Saddam"? Doesn't seem very humanitarian of them.

But for most of these "anti-liberation" types it was never about the war - it was about protesting the US.

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at March 23, 2003 09:46 AM | TrackBack

No it's about the fact that the US had no right to unilaterally declare war upon Iraq. I don't contest the fact that something had to be done, but it had to be done with the WORLD'S support, not just that of the US. That said however, I realize that many americans believe that they ARE the center of the universe...

I'm not a peace protestor myself but what they're protesting is the fact that once again the US had taken it upon itself to 'fix' a regime in the middle east. Check out the American track record on these interventions. It ain't pretty. Better yet, watch "Bowling for Columbine". It's an american commentary on American violence and it does a very fair job of 'setting the picture straight'.

Posted by: Trepex on March 23, 2003 09:54 AM

And now the "Micheal Moore is God" crowd is heard from. That film is distortion, and blatent propaganda. That you love it so much tells me that you wouldn't know truth if it jumped up and hit you in the face with a shovel Trepex. That film has been widely debunked on the web, try looking it up.

Yes America is the biggest toughest nation on the block, get over it. Sweden we will never be. We get accused of arrogance and bullying just for getting up in the morning.

We are unilateralist? We have at last count about 45 countries supporting us now. HOW FUCKING MANY do you want? How many is enough, if you think they aren't the "right" countries. then you are a bigot. Opposition in Europe is three nations, France, Belgium, and Germany. So who's arrogant, those three, or the rest of NATO?

Go buy a clue, since you haven't stumbled on one in the wild.

Posted by: puggs on March 23, 2003 10:29 AM

There are other countries opposed too, Russia and China. How many of those opposing war have fat oil and or weapon contracts with Saddam? How many of those opposed have said contracts in violation of U.N. Resolutions? How many of those opposed have sold WMD, parts and materials to make WMD to Saddam? Think about it and think upon their motivation, which is not exactly to maintain peace, unless you are considering their piece of the action.

Posted by: mog on March 23, 2003 10:50 AM

Hahahahaha! Any post using Michael Moore as a moral anchor is immediatly suspect.

The US tried to get UN security council support - but couldn't because France wanted to be sure and protect its interests in the region. The PRIMARY job of Government is to protect its civilian population. I approve of my Government protecting me, and apparently the Iraqi population approves of our attempt to liberate them. But none of that matters to you - because we acted unilaterally and pre-emptively. Pre-empt away, baby, because waiting for them to attack first produces things like 9/11.

Posted by: Neal on March 23, 2003 11:18 AM

Oh, and keep living in your fantasy world where one day, Canada is a power in the reqion. Since 40% of your GDP comes from us, I'll take my chances that we will ever need Canada for anything, versus present day reality that, without preferential trade treatment by the US, Canada is another socialist welfare state.

Posted by: Neal on March 23, 2003 12:21 PM

Most of the Iraqis you expected to cheers seem to be fireing ak47's at you.

Posted by: harmonia on March 24, 2003 04:26 AM

I'm sorry Har, but I guess I'll need to take my high school statistics course over again. I seem to have forgotten that LESS THAN 10% means "most". The ones firing the AK's towards my represenatives in the armed services are either regular Iraqi soldiers or Special Republican Guard soldiers dressed as civilians pretending to surrender and then firing on our soldiers.

Apparently, you have been either selectively shown video footage of what is going on in Iraq, or are doing the selecting yourself. People dancing in the street of liberated towns would probably make your TV explode (or maybe you would throw it out the window thinking it had turned against you).

You can stop with the "Iraqi People Do Not Want/Need Liberating" argument. It has already been shown to be complete and utter bullshit/bollocks. See the post below this one from the day before with the words "light bulb" in the title for future reference.

Now go away child. When you grow up and join us in the real world (you know, that scarrrry place where the bogeyman lives) we'll be happy to accept your opinion. Until then consider suing your parents for sheltering you too much.
Gratuitous W.C Fields quote "Now go away kid, you bother me!"

Posted by: analog kid on March 24, 2003 05:12 AM
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