March 23, 2003
Central command news conference

Lots of interesting things:

Apparently there are Iraqi units fighting in civilian clothes. This may have been how the mechanics were captured - by Iraqi soldiers dressed as civilians and pretending to surrender

Other reports of Iraqi soldiers pretending to surrender, and then ambushing the coalition forces

And a reporter for a foreign newspaper (I couldn't understand his name or the name of his paper) asked about the mopping up, and that cities that were supposed to be secure were no sights of battles. The reporters question - is this another Viet Nam, or are the coalition forces just overconfident. Gee, I figured the war would need to go on for a month or so before the Viet Nam references started to surface

Also a report that an Iraqi General and staff in control of a biologic weapons facility has surrendered to coalition forces

Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at March 23, 2003 01:27 PM | TrackBack
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