March 23, 2003
Saint John, or Saint Johns?

So, I have a Canadian commenter from New Brunswick who says he hates Saddam, but the US is a worse evil because it has no right to threaten world peace by striking preemptively against Iraq. He dismisses my cancer treatment analogy out of hand, and seems to suggest that we have to have the blessing of the international community to do ANYTHING.

Let's see, just today we have evidence that Saddam:

Is using unwilling human shields to protect his Republican Guards

Has violated article 13 of the Geneva convention multiple times

May have executed captured military personnel

Has non-uniformed combatants engaged in ambush operations

Has fired weapons at Kuwait and Iran

Has fired SCUDS, outlawed by the UN, on at least 4 separate occasions

Has had a General in charge of a "chemical facility" surrender to Coalition forces

The US is taking possibly unnecessary casualties to be sure civilians are not injured, but somehow we are the "outlaw" regime in NB's eyes. If we had the same disregard for human life that Saddam has, Bagdad would be a total, smoking ruin. We could rain destruction down on Iraq that would make Dresden look like a picnic. Tell me who is the greater threat to world peace? Tell me again why people want to wait until Saddam is ready to strike to end his repressive regime?

I just don't understand why Saddam can do whatever he wants, but somehow we need the blessing of the international community. And new reports are suggesting that Russia has recently sold and trained Iraq in the use of jamming and night vision technology. So, our NB commenter wants us to ask permission from France and Germany and Russia before we attack Iraq, but has no problems, apparently, with these countries providing weapons technology to a brutal and repressive Iraqi regime. The UN has been completely ineffectual in dealing with Iraq, and special interest groups within the security council weren't interested in helping the people of Iraq, but in keeping their oil contracts in place and the details of their weapons indiscretions secret. But this is the body we are supposed to trust with our national interest. France, Germany, Russia - they all get to act COMPLETELY UNILATERALLY to protect their national interests, but not the hegemon US. NB has no problems with France acting unilaterally, since he agrees with their position. But the US builds a coalition of 50 countries, and they are still, somehow, acting unilaterally.

All I ask is a little consistency of argument and intellectual honesty. If you can provide neither of these, please stop wasting my bandwidth.

But of course, our New Brunswick commenter also believes the sanctions against Iraq are "unfair", as he shows in this post (apparently left BEFORE it was confirmed that Iraq had, in fact, fired Scuds into Iraq):

Man I keep finding studpier comments as I read down through your blog. IRAQ cannot have scud missles that violate some god damn regulation unfairly imposed on them, since the missles extend 14km over the allowed 'range'.

Seriously back the FUCK off Bush or the whole world will come after YOU some day.

Hahahahaha! How embarrassing for him. Remember the mantra, NB: being stupid is a shame, being ignorant is a sin. If you're both, is it a shameful sin?

Posted by Neal Mauldin at March 23, 2003 03:14 PM | TrackBack

I don't give him that much credit, he has no shame, that would require he can tell the difference between right and wrong. He not only can't tell, he is so blindingly prejudiced that I wonder if a vacationing klansman had a relationship with a goat while wandering New Brunswick? It would explain alot.

That was rude wasn't it? Ah well, I didn't have a crowbar and a plane ticket handy. Being a violent and crude American I just can't help myself. For such an enlightened man of the world, he curses like a drunken French sailer with the crabs. Oops, I was rude again wasn't I? Being so much smarter than the EVIL south man, I would think he could use big words that don't include fuck. Goes to show what a truely first rate mind like trepix can do when he gets really mad, it's so much easier to squeal like a little girl.

OK, so I'm rude.

Posted by: puggs on March 23, 2003 07:29 PM

Please puggs, don't say such mean things. Of course I mean that about the crabs, goats and little girls.

Other than that, you seem to have hit the nail on the head. Oops, now I'm being rude by advocating violence against nails. Shame on me now.

Posted by: analog kid on March 24, 2003 04:41 AM

Seems to me that we aught to send all those jerk-off artists who are against the U.S. into downtown Baghdad and then NUKE it and them to oblivion. Don't ask my permission, but PLEASE let me push the button! The S.O.B. from New Brunswick hasn't got the balls our fighting women do, let alone the rest of our brave military machine!

Posted by: Methuselah on March 26, 2003 11:16 AM
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