March 28, 2003
Leftist Dogma Monkeys love Euphamisms

Why is it when Saddam murders hundreds of thousands of his own people, he is guilty of "Human Rights Violations"

But when the US inflicts collateral damage, even when taking extraordinary measures not to, they are guilty of "murdering innocent civilians".

Posted by Neal Mauldin at March 28, 2003 08:38 AM | TrackBack

Saddam is guilty and so are you.

Dead easy really.


Posted by: harmonia on March 28, 2003 08:56 AM

What? Ducking the question? Surely not you harm, certainly you wouldn't fall back on trite phrases and ignore the question entirely?

Posted by: puggs on March 28, 2003 09:30 AM

How is it dodging the question, saddam is guilty of murder as are our governments.

What part of that is difficult to grasp?

BTW haev you noticed the more the war goes badly, the more y'all attack the left.

It was your beloved george who began this war, not us.

Posted by: harmonia on March 28, 2003 10:01 AM

Harm, the everybodies evil arguement is shit. Your PM and our President are just as bad as Huessein, is that your claim? You compare the surgeon to the cancer.

BTW I notice the more progress we make in the war, the more you on the left scream we are losing. Hoping for some wish fulfillment harm? Our loses are tiny, resistance is disorganized and futil, we have resistance against Saddam starting to appear in places. We have opened a northern front and are moping up pockets of resistance to our rear. Saddams arms caches are being found and bombed. If that is going badly, I shudder to think what you believe victory would look like.

Stick to catty remarks harm, you suck as a commentater on military affairs.

Posted by: puggs on March 28, 2003 10:26 AM

Saddam is guilty and America is doing something about it. If we are guilty (we're not in my opinion), no one can do anything about it. That's a big difference.


Posted by: Don on March 28, 2003 10:34 AM

I have never used the word "evil" Puggs, much as you all seem to imagine I do.

So you think the war is going well, I must have missed the cheering crowds throwing flowers!

Don, Might=Right, hmmm a philosophy with a very unhappy history for all concerned.

Posted by: harmonia on March 28, 2003 11:08 AM

No, you used the word guilty in the same sentence as Saddam and "you', (I presume you mean America). That implies they are the same.

"So you think the war is going well, I must have missed the cheering crowds throwing flowers". Just what do you think a war is harm? Does your knowledge come from old movies on TV?

Actually the Iraqi's are doing handsprings compared to the way Germans acted when US/UK forces entered Germany. I notice you couldn't refute my points. We are winning, and rather easily so far. The shrieking of the BBC to the side, when did you see that we were defeated anywhere? The 7th Cavalery was ambushed yet killed nearly 500 irregulars and didn't suffer any deaths. They lost 2 tanks and a Bradley, we'll struggle on somehow.

Progress is meeting your objective and defeating the enemy. We are doing both. The odd sniper or POW doesn't change that. Keep whispering defeat and quagmire to yourself harm, excuse us for not bowing to your wisdom. It's going to get alot tougher once the siege of Bagdad begins. We know that. But we'll do it anyway. If you really want to help, give money to the Red Cross. Sarcasm is a poor weapon for this fight.

Posted by: puggs on March 28, 2003 11:50 AM

Wiining easily Puggs?

You are a funny guy,

Posted by: harmonia on March 31, 2003 04:11 AM

I said "rather easily". What's your definition of difficult harm? We lost 288 killed in the last gulf war, about 48,000 in Vietnam, 50,000 in Korea, 600,000 in WWII. We haven't lost even 30 people in Iraq, historically, it IS easy compared to what we had before.

Being shot at is never a good thing, and I do cringe at a single combat loss, but you are a fool if you think we are losing.

Frankly I don't know why you attempt to taunt anyone on the war's progress, since you couldn't tell north from south on a topograghical map anyway. You act as if you think I put some kind of credence in your views.

Posted by: puggs on April 2, 2003 01:50 PM
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