March 29, 2003
Didn't Japan Try This

Except they called themselves Kamikazes. That plan didn't work out too well for them, if I remember correctly.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at March 29, 2003 12:48 PM | TrackBack

Actually, Kamikaze attacks were very frightening to the U.S. sailors in WWII. In the end, the Kamikaze actions failed, but they might have succeeded had they used that technique earlier in the war.

The best defense is give the enemy and "civilians" a wide berth and shoot anyone or anything that penetrates that protection zone.

More comments.


Posted by: Don on March 29, 2003 01:10 PM

The Japanese resorted to the tactic out of desparation, it reached it's height at the Battle of Okinawa. In the end they were sacrificing 16 year old boys with 2 weeks training, who could barely fly level. They gave them a funeral, a drink of sake, and chained them in their cockpits,there would be no survivers. The Japanese boys who did it, did so because they loved their country and their families, theirs was a sacrifice of nobility, a horrible waste, but it was a crime of virtue.

The reports coming out of Iraq are not so pure, bounties paid to families, children taken hostage. Anyone not filled with rage that a father is forced to sacrifice himself to prevent his childrens execution doesn't deserve to call themselves human, they are something far less. The Iraqi people are fighting out of fear, fear for what happens to their families, fear of Saddam. Uday's freaks and the Iraqi secret police have made a Hell on earth, and somehow, it still hasn't sunk in with some people that allowing any tiny fragment of this regime to survive is a crime of monsterous proportions.

We are engaged in war with the basest form evil can take. There isn't any equivalance between us and them, if there were, we could ignore them. The President was right, Tony Blair was right, if we turn our backs anymore, the hope doesn't just fade for the middle east. Any thoughts about a new beginning from the cold war's end will die as well.

Posted by: puggs on March 30, 2003 07:56 PM
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