March 29, 2003
More from the vast right wing conspiracy

Except that, er, it appears here.
I've just heard a snippet of the most disgustingly me-me-me anti-war advert by Susan Sarandon, in which she intones, "Before our kids start coming home from Iraq in body bags, and women and children start dying in Baghdad, I need to know - what did Iraq do to us?" Well, if you mean what did Saddam do to America The Beautiful, not an awful lot - but to millions of his own people, torture and murder for a start. Don't they count?

Posted by nukevet at March 29, 2003 12:53 PM | TrackBack

The only regular Guardian columnist who supports the war. Her credentials are pure left, not even harm could say they aren't. But she can distinguish between a right thing and opposing America, much to her credit she can see they are not the same. It's also nice when a blow dried airhead on the left gets savaged by someone who can actually articulate a thought out position.

The left can never be more than a fringe until it starts behaving like it truely believes that words have consequences. Wild distortions and bald faced lies may fire up the faithful, but how does that convince a nonlefty? They need to stick to truth, if it doesn't serve them, then maybe they should reconsider being on the left.

Posted by: puggs on March 30, 2003 02:56 PM
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