March 31, 2003
All I can say is,


Go read an essay that contains the following paragraphs. You'll be surprised by where you end up.

This war is an abject and utter failure. What everyone thought would be a quick, decisive victory has turned into an embarrassing series of reversals. The enemy, -- a ragtag, badly-fed collection of hotheads and fanatics � has failed to be shocked and awed by the most magnificent military machine ever fielded. Their dogged resistance has shown us the futility of the idea that a nation of millions could ever be subjugated and administered, no matter what obscene price we are willing to pay in blood and money.

The President of the United States is a buffoon, an idiot, a man barely able to speak the English language. His vice president is a little-seen, widely despised enigma and his chief military advisor a wild-eyed warmonger. Only his Secretary of State offers any hope of redemption, for he at least is a reasonable, well-educated man, a man most thought would have made a far, far better choice for Chief Executive.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at March 31, 2003 04:20 PM | TrackBack

Nobody can quite rise to Mr. Whittle's level of writing. A pleasure to read.

Posted by: puggs on April 1, 2003 12:19 AM

Yeah. Wow.

Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on April 1, 2003 08:23 AM

Was that your eulogy.

Posted by: Matt on April 3, 2003 12:26 PM
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