April 02, 2003
ELF backs Saddam

So, the Environmental Liberation Front chooses to back Saddam, the man arguably (or not) responsible for 2 of the greatest man made ecological disasters in modern history.

It's not anti-war, it's anti-American, plain and simple.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at April 02, 2003 09:21 AM | TrackBack

Are Americans that are against the war anti-american too?

Or am I just anti-british as I dont like Blair?

Or perhaps, and I say this with reluctance, the anti-whoever line is just a neat way to avoid having to engage in a debate?

Like Troll...

Posted by: harmonia on April 2, 2003 09:36 AM


I'm sorry, but you really are an idiot. If you can't see that an organization that engages in terrorist acts within the US in the name of the environment chooses to side with the guy responsible for 2 of the greatest ecologic disasters in the last decade is doing so out of anti-American sentiment, then you really are a troll of the most problematic kind. One that not only doesn't want to engage in any kind of debate, but also one that is too stupid to realize how ridiculous their attempts at debate are.

You have been debated with over and over again - to no avail. You have been provided with reams of information that you choose to ignore. Other than the netertainment value, you offer nothing to this site. But it is a kind of sad entertainment, like making fun of the village drunk who passes out and pukes on himself.

Posted by: Neal on April 2, 2003 10:36 AM

I don't debate my views of being pro-war. I have no need to, I'm in the American majority supporting the war. A war we've just about won.

The rest are the losers. They can go talk amongst themselves for all I care, I won't listen to them.


Posted by: Don on April 2, 2003 11:17 AM

An American who uses terror tactics against other Americans is generally referred to as toast. We ain't fussy harm, we still use the death penalty remember? Not for vandalism, but you don't hear anything about the weathermen or the black panthers anymore, even the Klan has been largely tamed.

We tolerate fools all the time, just not criminal ones. You know, frontier justice and all.

BTW, better get in your licks now, the co-oalition that you said has stalled and foundered has advanced and is engaging the RG divisions on the outskirts of Bagdad. They are being rolled up as we comment here. I'm not gloating, just suggesting that you really can't understand what's happening by reading political commentary. Prespective and a grounding in military history would serve you better. That, and a little less arrogance about things you know nothing about.

Posted by: puggs on April 2, 2003 12:29 PM

We should take advantage of this time to clean out our country of traitors.Good ridence to those who wish us harm.

Posted by: Matt on April 3, 2003 12:13 PM
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