Which country is engaged with the world and which is the irrelevant backwater? The one sending Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships with food and supplies up the mined Shatt al-Arab? Or the one that wants to stick with Hans Blix even after he's quit and gone back to Sweden? Who are the real internationalists and humanitarians? The young men and women of the British Army? Or the masturbatory poseurs of the Canadian Liberal Party who refuse to lift a finger to stop Saddam from feeding his subjects feet first into industrial shredders but noisily insist on their right to participate in the "humanitarian" work afterwards because everyone knows Canada's indispensable? Sorry, folks. The humanitarian work's going on right now, and you chose to sit it out.
Must. Stop. Laughing.
Thanks to Digital Paces for the pointer to the whole article.
Posted by nukevet at April 02, 2003 07:04 PM | TrackBackTest of the e-mail notification
Posted by: Neal on April 3, 2003 11:03 AM