Will undoubtedly be repeated in Iraq. Oh, the humanity!
Kudos to the Noble Pundit for an excellent photo essay.
Posted by nukevet at April 03, 2003 07:08 PM | TrackBackWhen the children are on our side, we win.
Posted by: puggs on April 4, 2003 01:00 AMWell done, who would have thought Afghanistan would have recovered to be the worlds number one heroin producer in such a short time!
The drug dealers of the world salute you America!
Posted by: harmonia on April 4, 2003 05:15 AMThanks for the completely predictable snide comment, Harm. Of course there's no credit for anything America does that's good.
Forgive me for asking, but have you actually made it to your teenage years yet?
Posted by: Neal on April 4, 2003 08:54 AMSorry Neil did that fact take away from your little Propaganda heartwarming pictures?
Next time you hear of a junkie attacking someone for their cash, give thanks to the liberators of Afghani heroin!
Posted by: harmonia on April 4, 2003 09:10 AMAre you really saying the Taliban were a good thing? You always look for the dark clouds harm, do your friends put you on a suicide watch at Christmas?
Posted by: puggs on April 4, 2003 09:16 AMDid you answer my question about your age? Of course you can lie about it, but I'm still thinking pre- to early teens. Certainly not someone who has ever had to deal with any significant real world issues.
Posted by: Nukevet on April 4, 2003 09:19 AMAnd, did I miss your sterling refutation of any of the recent developments in Iraq?
Oh, that's right. You have no actual independent thoughts or ability to defend your position in the face of contrary information or challenge. Much easier to run away after making a smartass remark.
Definitely teens, early 20's at best. If not, then I'm afraid there is a bleak outlook for you ever reaching intellectual maturity (or honesty).
Posted by: Nukevet on April 4, 2003 09:29 AMNice try on my age guys but no cigar!
So any of you got an argument over why the US government is allowing such a huge production of Herion in a country it nominally controls?
Or are we just going to get more idle speculation and avoidance of the issue.
Perhaps this is true of you that "You have no actual independent thoughts or ability to defend your position in the face of contrary information or challenge"
What I ahve said is a fact, I see none of you challenging it.
Whatever happened to the war on drugs, did we win?
Posted by: harmonia on April 4, 2003 09:46 AMYou want facts?
"Afghanistan producing most opium in the world
March 28 2003
Kabul: Ignoring a presidential ban on opium production, Afghan farmers are growing more opium poppies than ever throughout the country, including areas previously free of the crop, officials said today.
The deposed Taliban regime had wiped out opium production. But farmers began planting poppies -- from which opium is harvested and made into heroin -- when the militia was ousted in 2001 because the plant brings in hundreds of times more in revenue than other crops."
Thanks America!
Posted by: harmonia on April 4, 2003 09:48 AMThat's what I suspect as well, 12 to 14 in age and maturity.
A friend gave me a veterans pin from the Army yesterday. It's only a 50 cent pin, but he's leaving his recruiting job to return to his Division in Iraq. He said he knew I was Air Force, but he forgives me for it, heh. I pray that he stays safe.
I'll keep that pin, it'll go in the box we keep our childrens baby momento's in. A small thing, but military life being what it is, I'll probably never see him again even after he comes home. He's a good man, and I don't use praise any higher than that.
Posted by: puggs on April 4, 2003 09:53 AMConsidering the history of the British Empire spreading the opium trade throughout Asia during the 19th century, I should think you'd be happy about your legacy.
Thank you United Kingdom.
Posted by: puggs on April 4, 2003 09:57 AMAnd the prize for ignoring the point goes to...
Perhaps you should write to your congressman?
Posted by: harmonia on April 4, 2003 10:05 AMHoarding While the People Starve
"More evidence of United Nations fecklessness and corruption tonight, as US and British forces discover a huge complex bulging with food in a city full of starving people. (Hat tip: Adam O.)
A walk through only about 20 percent of the warehouses in the complex revealed that tens of thousands of tons of supplies -- including huge quantities of baby milk -- were being stored in Iraq's second-largest city, which has been wracked by a food shortage.
There are vast amounts of food staples, tea, sugar, tires, car batteries and sewing machines in the warehouses.
Also found were large quantities of cash, weapons and documents relating to the food-distribution system. Coalition officials hope the documents will help them smooth out the distribution process.
A small force of Iraqis tried Wednesday night without success to retake the complex, which had been used by the U.N. oil-for-food program.
Tell me again how awful the sanctions were."
Any comment on htis Harm? Your beloved UN and Saddam starving its own people?
Posted by: Jacitelli on April 4, 2003 10:06 AMYep, America-hater to the core.
Nothing the US does deserves praise, only condemnation. Sure opium production is up, because the Taleban deccimated the economy by returning Afghanistan to the stone age. And that has what, exactly, to do with the current situation?
If you are a "fully" mature individual, then I fear your chances of developing into an intellectually mature and honest person is basically nil. I am used to your types of arguments from freshmen straight out of high school, but expect much more from students that have even the smallest exposure to the tenets of debate.
Your arguments amount to "nyah nyah I can't hear you" whenever you are confronted with information you don't like.
Your latest gambit seems to be a minor variation on the "I know you are, but what am I" defense so popular on grade school playgrounds everywhere.
Posted by: Nukevet on April 4, 2003 10:09 AMWho loves saddam?
Imagine though, people starving while the rich go fat, that doesn't happen anywhere else now does it?
BTW just to save y'all posting the
PROOF OF ANTHRAX LINK story, its already been refuted:
Posted by: harmonia on April 4, 2003 10:09 AM
Nukevet, just once can you deal with the argument rather than indulge in amateur psychology, labelling opponents with silly names or just puerile abuse?
Your government is obviously condoning a massive herion economy (possibly as part of the deal that allowed you to "win" that war) have you nothing at all to say about that except to attack the person who points it out?
Harm, the point was The Children of Afghanistan(TM). You are the one who hijacked it and changed it to Heroin. . .and therefore the award for ignoring the point goes to you.
Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on April 4, 2003 10:18 AMYou, YOU are bitching about staying on point? Aw harm, stop being a child. Your strawman is badly frayed, Heroin comes from Afghanistan, ergo America is to blame is bullshit. Are you suggesting we should stop it by killing the farmers like the Taliban did? How do you sleep at night advocating murder like that?
Your rant was with our esteemed host, but if you need additional attention I'll lend a foot or two.
Posted by: puggs on April 4, 2003 10:20 AMHijacked it? talking about Afghanistan without mentioning heroin is like talking about Iraq without mentioning oil..
Oh thats right, you do that too!
It is however an interesting question, why does the US government turn a blind eye to this boost in production of a drug that does untold harm both in my country and in yours.
Posted by: harmonia on April 4, 2003 10:21 AMPuggs, countries are like crockery, you break them you own them.
Posted by: harmonia on April 4, 2003 10:21 AMYou make that arguement, then don't you have a lot to be guilty over? Or do you only read history that says America is the only country with a past?
Posted by: puggs on April 4, 2003 10:25 AMGee, Harm, you are the one here who fully supports letting the fat cats stay fat, while the populace dies by the thousands.
As for ignoring the point - THERE IS NO POINT TO IGNORE!
Afghanistan is producing Opium again - true statement - neither requiring nor worthy of refute. In order for us to refute something, you need to state a premise. I assume your position is that the world was better off with the Taleban in charge, and al Qaeda free to plot and carry out more attacks like 9/11. Similarly, I assume your position is that stopping the heroin trade is a bigger priority than controlling an international terrorist group that planned to strike many western countries. And finally, I assume your position is that the subjugation of the Afghan people is an acceptable price to pay in order to allow the Taleban to kill anyone who violated their edicts. Is this an accurate summation of your positions with regards tonAfghanistan?
Believe it or not, "Thank you, America" is not a particularly telling insight requiring refute. It is just another snotty remark from someone who either can't or won't form a logically defensible position from the facts at hand.
Let's see, what would be the equivalent? How about: The sun has risen from the East in Afghanistan evey single day since the US ousted the Taleban. Another statement that is factual and true - requiring no refutation. So, to borrow a phrase: THANK YOU AMERICA!
Posted by: Nukevet on April 4, 2003 10:29 AMI take it you don't acknowledge the abuses of the British Empire, or you don't hold yourself to the same standard.
Posted by: puggs on April 4, 2003 10:29 AMHarm writes:
Nukevet, just once can you deal with the argument rather than indulge in amateur psychology, labelling opponents with silly names or just puerile abuse?
Your government is obviously condoning a massive herion economy (possibly as part of the deal that allowed you to "win" that war) have you nothing at all to say about that except to attack the person who points it out?
Hahahahaha! This is so funny, I almost can't stop laughing. It's like you've taken every single criticism ever thrown your way, Harm, and co-opted them for your own use. About what I would suspect, I suppose.
And our country is "obviously condoning" a massive heroin trade? Where does this come from? The delusions of your little "must find something evil to accuse America of" mind? In one post you make fun of the US for engaging in the "War on Drugs", and then in the next you accuse us of being drug lords? And I love the way you come around to the mantra "it's all about the oooiiiillllll".
Watch it Harm, you're giving pre-teens a bad name.
Well after that string of rants a pause.......must either be run away time, or harms out on recess. Bet she's having fun hectering the other kids on not being sufficiently fervent in marxist theory.
Posted by: puggs on April 4, 2003 11:32 AM"Hijacked it? talking about Afghanistan without mentioning heroin is like talking about Iraq without mentioning oil.."
Says who? You? Don't make me get vulgar. (HAH! I crack me up!) Harm, I have one image whenever I think of Afghanistan. You may have seen similar:
Kites were illegal under the Taliban. KITES, Harm! Creations of paper and sticks and string and imagination! ILLEGAL! A boy could get stoned for FLYING A KITE!
Soon after the Afghani's were liberated, I saw a photo of an Afghani boy flying a kite.
It was magnificent, but, perhaps because I'm a huge kite-fan, I'm prejudiced. So, Harm, feel free to think of fields of opium if you so choose; I'll think of Afghani boys flying kites, and Afghani girls in school--something that wasn't possible a few years ago, but was after the Americans came.
All I want to know is if Heroin is posing such a threat to the world, why is it Americas job to stop it? Harm, you stated that it was as big a problem there as it is here. Why don't you bitch to your government about doing something about it? The US does a lot here on the mainland to crack down on drugs. Sure, stoping it at its source would be the smart thing to do, but are any other countries stepping forward to stop it? NO!! I suppose you will come back with "It is the U.S.'s problem because if it werent for you guys the production would have never started." PLEASE!! I am in my early twenties and I would like you to know that you give the youth of the world a bad name.
Posted by: Blake on April 4, 2003 12:26 PMEr, do I hear crickets in the Scottish corner?
Posted by: Neal on April 4, 2003 02:41 PMTo be fair, Neal, it may be past Harms bedtime.
Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on April 4, 2003 03:24 PMMaybe she overdosed on heroin. Ya never know, it is "huge" world problem now!
Posted by: Blake on April 4, 2003 03:42 PMYeah, it may be past her bedtime. But it also may be the upteenth time she has started a shrill screeching fest, only to disappear when facts or logic started to get in the way.
Posted by: Neal on April 4, 2003 04:38 PMHahahaha! I guess it's not a "bedtime" issue. Just another case of Harm running away.
Posted by: Neal on April 7, 2003 08:28 AMI have no problem with the Bush regime getting rid of Saddam's regime, but why when the American military is so strong do they have to use weapons of mass destruction in the first Gulf war like armor-piercing shells made of depleted uranium. Check out the effect of this on Iraqi children 12 year later. https://seattlepi.nwsource.com/iraq2002/95178_du12.shtml The world world have a lot more sympathy for you if these type of weapons were not used.
Posted by: Peter on June 4, 2003 05:24 PM