April 07, 2003
What's a poor liberal to do

Maybe this report is why our type 2 troll has gone into hiding.

Posted by nukevet at April 07, 2003 09:09 AM | TrackBack

Reports are coming in from all over the place, WMD's have been found in barrels, loaded missiles, nerve and mustard gas found dumped in a river. The evidence is starting to be found, and the Iraqi government as it is, is crumbling. Bodies are being found in warehouse, records of retaliations and revenge maiming are turning up.

I wonder if the resident troll will appear to tell us again how we are the bad guys, that it's all our fault.

They're killing the babies of anyone they can find being friendly to the cooalition as an example. They are killing the children...

There is no shame in being wrong, only in refusing to note that you were played for a fool.

Posted by: puggs on April 7, 2003 01:43 PM

Yep. I once told Harm that she was the most intellectually dishonest person I have ever tried to debate. This latest example provides supporting evidence of that claim, but isn't particularly surprising.

Posted by: Neal on April 7, 2003 02:15 PM

Um, this troll you are referring to...I am perplexed as to why it's even acknowledged. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING! Is she somebody's ex-girlfriend here or something because she's otherwise so insignificant that I can't believe I'm even writing this.
She sems to know allot about and have much interest in heroin. I.c.k.y.

Posted by: SondraK on April 8, 2003 12:07 AM

Boring to you maybe Sondrak, but the careful baiting and clubbing of said troll is getting to be a tradition. Much like Wile E. in the looney tunes, she just can't stop playing with fire, and also like him she just wipes away the carbon and comes back for more. That kind of single mindedness is no end of amusing. Hey it's not like I know anyone else who thinks that America is some kind of mad giant that gets off on wanton death and destruction. I take my targets as they appear.

Posted by: puggs on April 8, 2003 01:33 AM

I understand all of that but she's really, well, just dumb. Believe me, I am the biggest fan of hitting a bullseye...I actually thrive on it too, just that she's well, dumb. I honestly meant no insult, hell, I love you guys. But she's so.....easy:)

Posted by: SondraK on April 8, 2003 02:19 AM

On that point I have to agree. She's meat on the table, It would be nice if someone worthy came around to cross swords, sigh......

I've only come across a couple of serious debaters, they are rare.

Posted by: puggs on April 8, 2003 02:34 AM

Yeah, I agree Sondra. Harm has gotten WAY to much attention here. I have tried to ignore her, but her stupid comments eventually draw me back into the fray. As with all internet flame wars, this one quickly becomes full of inside jokes and jabs that the casual reader won't get. We'll try to be more "enlightening' in the future.

Posted by: Neal on April 8, 2003 08:11 AM

Bloody hell, I go away for a break for a couple of days and you are all screaming blue murder.

Perhaps I should get a laptop so you never again have to miss my musings!

The chemical weapons turned out to be pesticides and the bodies came from the Iran Iraq war.

perhaps you should all get another news source apart from Fox?

Posted by: harmonia on April 9, 2003 08:30 AM

Hahahaha! "I go away for a couple of days....."

More like "once again I abandon an argument that requires me to make logically defensible statements"

I notice you didn't clarify for us your position with regards to Afghanistan.

Posted by: Neal on April 9, 2003 09:59 AM

Neil, I have one of those quaint things called a life, and its not unusual for me to not log on for days at a time.

I have been offsite for Monday and Tuesday so have not been in front of a PC.

Clarify my position, you mean this?


Posted by: harmonia on April 9, 2003 10:44 AM

That's someone else's position, Harm!

Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on April 9, 2003 11:45 AM

Exactly, LCV. Harm has LOTS of time to post, up until her position becomes so untenable that she ducks and runs.

Then, instead of defending her position herself, the only response is to post something someone else wrote, having NOTHING to do with the discussion in progress, and completely ducking the issue at hand in the process. Pathetic. But in a laughable sort of way.

Posted by: Neal on April 9, 2003 04:28 PM

neil, if you check I only post between 9 and 5.30 GMT.

Look at the logs.

Posted by: harmonia on April 10, 2003 10:45 AM
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