www.famousidiot.com" />
If this is true, it is time to really evaluate any and all relationships we have with this country.
Posted by Neal (Nukevet) at April 27, 2003 07:53 PM | TrackBackGood idea. I'll arrange a meeting for you with the president so that the two of you can discuss what should be done.
Posted by: Jimbo Jones on April 27, 2003 11:49 PMI take it Jimbo doesn't discuss national news with his friends back on his home planet. Cause if he does that would make him an ass after that little remark.
Mind the tripwires, and don't annoy the guard dogs.
Posted by: puggs on April 28, 2003 09:18 AMHahahaha! Wow, Jimbo, your witty repartee just tore me a new one. However will I recover? Perhaps I should just shut my blog down now, never daring to express an opinion again. What with me valuing the opinion of an anonymous troll so much. Or not.
Posted by: Neal on April 28, 2003 11:37 AMHee hee! Better yet you and puggs can continue to jerk each other off in your angry love fest ;)
Posted by: JImbo on April 29, 2003 02:07 AMWhat, you expect a homophobic taunt to accomplish something other than to show off your stunted intellect. Try harder homeboy, your lack of wit is showing. So far you've displayed a whole half of one.
It hurts bad when you attempt to think, don't it? Keep trying and maybe someday, with good therapy and proper treatment you might actually attain sentient thought.
Imagine that!
Posted by: puggs on April 29, 2003 07:30 AMThe ever-so-lovely Ann Coulter tried to tell the Prez what to do back in December, 2001, but the Prez didn't listen.
Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on April 29, 2003 08:27 AMBaha! good one Puggs. Actually my taunt was only meant to rile you, and from your response I can see it succeeded nicely. BTW, I'm sure you're speaking from experience when you recommend therapy. I have no doubts about your sentience; I just wonder what the trauma was that caused you to need such extensive rehab!
Anyway, the truth is I like both you and Neal a lot, and I'm only yapping at your heals cause you're the big dogs!
Posted by: Jimbo on May 1, 2003 01:21 AMAlso, if the USA was really pissed at France and wasn't just kicking up a bit of dirt for show, it'd stop crapping on about freedom fries and do the ballsie thing: return Lady Liberty!
Posted by: Jimbo on May 1, 2003 01:25 AMNah, wouldn't do that. The fries thing was goofy, because they, like the potato chip, are American in origin. Why should we suffer the doings of the French in silence? They are betrayers and liars, the cost should be high. The statue was a gift from French citizens, NOT the French government. It was half paid for by American donations, transported by the US Navy, and put in place by Americans. We owe them nothing, we more than paid for it with blood in two wars. We would no more send it back than the millions of Americans of French descent, it's American now, just like them.
They want the statue back, they can make an offer, which we will promptly laugh at. Though after listening to them for more than a minute we might replace the torch with an upraised middle finger.
Posted by: puggs on May 1, 2003 01:45 PMI'll mostly keep my demons to myself, and I haven't spent any time in treatment. I imagine the doctor would write a couple of books, do talk shows and stuff. He'd probably do the therapy in a shark cage though, I can be a little, intense.
Posted by: puggs on May 1, 2003 01:52 PM