May 13, 2003
Actions have consequences

Edition 2,341

Posted by Neal Mauldin at May 13, 2003 01:11 PM | TrackBack

I liked his Lethal weapon role, too bad Glover turned out to be a screaming leftwinger. I'd like to see him and Colon Powel in the same room, the sparks would light up a building.

Posted by: puggs on May 14, 2003 02:08 AM

Freedom of speech, we've heard of it!

Posted by: harmonia on May 14, 2003 03:12 AM

Yep, just dabbled in it meself. You do know the difference between a boycott and a blacklist don't you harm?

A boycott is a grassroots public campaign to express anger at an injustice or outrage.

A blacklist is what leftists call it when conservatives indulge in it.

I take it you wouldn't call it repression if Mel Gibson couldn't get a contract for endorsements from Ben & Jerry's for his political views? Or do only leftists get special treatment?

Posted by: puggs on May 14, 2003 05:29 PM
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