May 19, 2003
Let's see now....

Exactly who is it trying to derail any chance of peace in the middle east?

5 attacks in 3 days. Yep, those Pa lestinians sure do want to work towards the middle and find a way to co-exist with Israel. This statement from Hamas should clarify for you what they really want:

�We will not stop our resistance as long as one Zionist continues to breathe our air,� Hamas, which has vowed to wreck a U.S. peace plan for the region, said in a statement.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at May 19, 2003 07:20 PM | TrackBack

sarcasm set to dumb/But the "palestinians" only want peace. It is a Zionist conspiracy to that caused you to even think otherwise./sarcasm off

Posted by: analog kid on May 19, 2003 07:49 PM

And the number of Palestinians who have died this month?

According to the Palestinian President's website, Palestinians who were killed during March 2003 reached 104 people, which increased the Palestinian loss of life into 3,012 victims. The number of Palestinians who were injured during March 2003 reached 979 people, which increased Palestinian injuries to 26,150.

But of course they dont get on CNN do they.

Posted by: harmonia on May 20, 2003 03:31 AM

No har, they don't get onto CNN becuase they lie like dogs. I've already inforomed you about the teenage "children" who were "killed" by the IDF. And I believe puggs corrected your error on the "human shield" report you cited. Face it, you are supporting the actual murderers. These people do not want peace unless they get to see all the Israelis dead in the process. And I take it you feel the same?

If not, why don't you recognize the punishment other muslim states have doled out to the "palestinians" that has actually killed more of them than even you could dream of the Israelis doing. Or wonder why all these people felt they could come back after leaving before the 6-day war that was supposed to annihilate the jews? Which, in case you forgot you're history, is where the "disputed territories" came from. Or at least question the hate young "palestinians" are immersed in until all they see is hate themselves.

Posted by: analog kid on May 20, 2003 09:14 AM

So analog, no Israeli ever killed anyone, oh no, the Palestinians kill their own children just to make them look bad.

What utter nonsense, and the sad thing is that you know it.

Would you not hate someone who had occupied your country and shot down your friends like sheep?

Your problem is you only see one side, I copndemn suicude bombings, its a stupid tactic, any chance of oyu ever condemning the murder of arab children, or is that too dodgy now the USA is building it's own little west bank in Iraq.

An 8 year old.

Or if dead arabs dont worry you, they also kill Britsih aid workers.

But of course it's only one side that is bad isn't it.

Posted by: harmonia on May 20, 2003 09:38 AM

Of course calling people "Dogs" sums up your attitude.

Posted by: harmonia on May 20, 2003 09:40 AM

If you will study your history har, you'll see that it isn't their land. They have no legal claims to a square yard of dirt in Israel. They are refugees forced here by their arab "brothers'" cuelty. All of what is now Israel was either given to them by the UN, or won in conflict. They owe nothing to them.

I never said that Israel is totally innocent. They are going to fight back, because that is what you do when someone wants to commit genocide on you. And when you fight back, non-combatants get hurt. They have killed civilians in this fight, but only because the "palestinians" take the fighting back to their neighborhoods thinking the IDF won't follow. No matter how many times the IDF shows them that taking their work home is a bad idea.

If the civilian "palestinian" population would stand up to the fighters and tell them not to do this, you would see one of two things. No civilian deaths or the fighters killing their neighbors. The later is more likely, as they would just call their neighbors "jew sympathiers" and execute them.

Which is why I am loath not to call them dogs. Pieces of human waste such as they deserve no better name.

Posted by: analog kid on May 20, 2003 11:34 AM

Human waste?

A favourite term of the nazis.

Beware what you are becoming.

Posted by: harmonia on May 21, 2003 03:29 AM

Like you know anything about Nazi's. Oh that's right, you do (picture of Hamas members here).

Know anything about the Vichy French? (picture of ISM members here). Thought you would.

And I would like the "human waste" quote sometime. My memory tells me it was "human vermin".

Posted by: analog kid on May 21, 2003 09:36 AM

Well, there you have it. By the well established rules of internet argumentary procedure, Harmonia must now be declared the loser of this debate due to her use of the Nazi card.

Posted by: Nukevet on May 21, 2003 09:45 AM
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