May 27, 2003
Day 3

Tuesday the 20th. Are we having fun yet?

What a day. We start with this gem:

Buh Bye, Ari � Subtitled �Why Ari should have resigned in Protest�, Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman uncork the hate to tell us all why Bush�s cabinet and staff should all resign and plead guilty to all charges.

Military or Hollywood? It�s hard to tell the difference � Another screed about the PFC Lynch story that even the BBC won�t stand behind anymore.

Report from Gifford Pinchot forest defense action camp � Mother Nature�s Son went to a tree hugger circle-jerk and wants to tell you about it. Key phrase here: �Because it is a federally protected scenic area, dense and/or high development is forbidden, there is little between you and the natural beauty of the place. of course, the highway is itself ugly and obviously plays hell with the area around it, but the steep slopes and water are mostly untouched.� Yeah, let�s just never go into the wilderness. Right buddy? Ding dong!

Chant re: GWBush junta, US corporate media, Portland police � Glen learned how to rhyme. Yay for Glen!

Liberal NY Times reporter Chris Hedges Booed off stage at graduation for anti-war speech - Author Carrie Waters gives us the facts about this incident. Innocent enough, but in the comments the lefties get quizzed about how this is violating Hedges� freedom of speech. They fail the quiz.

Petition: Stop Censoring Indymedia from Google News � The Babylonian wants everyone to sign his petition to get anti-semetic editorials listed as news on Google again. Mr. Johnson over at Little Green Footballs started getting major attacks to his system after he pointed out what Indymedia promotes to the Google people and got them kicked off the �Google News� lists.

Solving the Tenacious Problem of Homelessness � Supposedly posted by the Libertarian Party, it lays down the poster's answers to solving the bum problem (and by bum, I don�t mean the thing you�re sitting on). Just like the socialist's answers to bums, the libertarian ones are wrong as well. They do come close to the answer in the story though. 98% of the vagrants are 1. Mentally unstable 2. Junkies of one kind or another, or 3. Lazy. But when they see that as the true answer, they sweep it under the rug and ignore it.

Take a minute for our media, for our democracy � An unknown reposted article asking people to write the FCC about the �Media Monopoly�. Take a look, but take a gift of cheese to go with their whine.

Which side are WE on? � G William Dornoff, Author of �Who Rules America? The Power Elite and the State.� And a sociology professor at one of the Universities of California. Oddly enough, this is a good read. It talks about class and perceived class. And also shows the political left that those who are running their show are the people they claim to be against.

Billionaire to Watchdog US use of Iraqi oil � �Net Surfer� tells us about investor/philanthropist, George Soros. He has told the UN he wants to sponsor people to monitor the US�s management of the Iraqi oil fields. Since the UN only made a few hundred million dollars off Saddam and probably couldn�t afford it and all.

And our winner today is,
Protesting the Puppet on the Right � Reposted from the Online Journal, Mickey Z. asks why there was such a big hissy fit before, during and after the Iraq war, but nothing during Clinton�s wagging of the dog in Yugoslavia during 78 days of bombing in 1999? It took less that an hour to get an Indymedia regular to come in and start insulting the person who posted it. Read it.

Posted by AnalogKid at May 27, 2003 04:01 AM | TrackBack

Louder Glen, maybe if you scream really, really LOUD, someone will notice you. Volume isn't a substitute for intelligence, unless you live in Berkley.

Posted by: puggs on May 27, 2003 04:12 PM
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