May 28, 2003
Need for Speed

The Lincolnshire police must need money badly. It seems they are now ticketing ambulance drivers in service.

Mike Fergusen, an ambulance driver with a 30 year unblemished driving record, was ticketed by them for doing 104mph while transporting a liver for emergency surgury from a hospital in Leeds to one in Cambridgeshire. It was 0 dark 30 in the morning and he had his blue mirror-strobe lights and siren going on his vehicle when the patrol pulled him over and ticketed him.

Here in Seattle, our two large hospital communites reside in Seattle and a city called Tacoma. They are only about 40 minutes apart by vehicle. Yet we fly things like transplant organs by helicopter, day or night. I find it a bit odd that they don't.

Found at Right Thinking from the Left Coast.

Posted by AnalogKid at May 28, 2003 03:54 AM | TrackBack
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