May 28, 2003
Any sane man

Any sane man would have had enough sense to stay away from the Indymedia sites for more than a day after spending a week straight there. But I never said I was smart. Or sane. So here we go.

I'll admit to starting out light, with this little tidbit.

Someone reprinted a UNC-Wilmington professors letter to the Board of Trustees about a feminist being offended at a bumper on his office door that reads "So you're a feminist...isn't that cute." One of her parental units wrote a letter to the aforementioned trustees complaining about the sticker. But it wasn't mommy, it was dad. That is funny in and of itself. But I digress.

While I don't want to tell you the whole story, it seems that this guy has been using his office door as an experiment in tolerance. Which is against the rules, but his fellow professors from the other side of the political spectrum were doing so without any complaints, so he figured he would run the experiment. And in his words "some of you (his co-workers) have failed".

The door to his office has since turned into a free speech zone and is now festooned with stickers that, at first glance, would predict that a person with multiple personalities should be residing inside.

Go read now. Funny. Go read.

Posted by AnalogKid at May 28, 2003 08:56 AM | TrackBack

You're smart, and sanity is overrated. I rarely indulge in it, that would be conformist and no one ever got to be the best at anything by being a member of the pack. So do what you like and show your teeth, it thins out the competition.

Regarding the piece; Amazing how some people who make tolerance from others a personal religion can't quite manage to find it in themselves. The Professor is to be commended, but considering the atmosphere at some colleges, he'll be lucky to keep his job. Hypocrits never like having it pointed out. As he said, some liberals have no sense of humor.

Posted by: puggs on May 28, 2003 09:31 AM

Sounds rather Pavlovian. Maybe the Professor should put a 'Push' plaque around the doorknob, should you have to 'Pull' the door to open it!... Or vice versa.

Posted by: RipStop on May 30, 2003 05:23 PM
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