May 29, 2003
Ban this!

Did you know that car manufacturers try to sell you SUV's. Don't believe me, just ask Norman Baker. He is an MP from the Sussex area with the Liberal Democrat party over in the UK. So he knows. He also says that pedestrians and bicyclists are intimidated by the SUV. Well that is really too bad. They should buy their own SUV and quit being intimidated. Or stop being pedestrians and bicyclists, whichever is easier.

OK, enough with the jokes because this guy is serious about getting SUV's banned from urban environments. Citing the usual talking points about fossil fuel use, and them being big and umm, that is about all. He says that farmers can have SUV's, but if you have one and drive it to take your kids to school or go to the supermarket, you should be ticketed.

Being British, those who disagree with him give him more talking points. Namely the "only 4% of these vehicles actually go off-road" argument. They even admit they would advise motorists to consider the appropriateness of the vehicle they select. And they then add how rediculous a "ban" would be.

But I don't know. I'd watch for this one to get enacted and then get used against us here

I found this from someone on the blogroll, but I can't remember who.

Posted by AnalogKid at May 29, 2003 03:54 AM | TrackBack

Man, I love my new SUV. I blogged about Arianna Huffington several times; my latest is on the front page of my blog, Loyal Citizen Victor.

Please don't dog me because it's on blogger; it's free and I'm cheap.

Posted by: Loyal Citizen Victor on May 30, 2003 08:29 AM
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