Looks like the anti-Bush forces are out of original ideas to badmouth and generally talk trash about him. They have to piggy-back a movie.
The Not In Our Name types were handing these out after the film, The Matrix - Reloaded let out
A guy from Salon was handed one after a show by a NION "Resistor". He said he thought it was "a clever attempt at a wake-up call for a very sleepy nation".
And if you haven't heard, there is a controversy surrounding a scene in the movie that has flashing pictures of famous evil folk. In true modern Hollywood fashion, first Hitler is shown, then George W Bush. Typical.
Warner Bros. has put out a release basically blowing the complaint of, saying that there were also pictures of Ghandi, MLK and other good guys in the montage. Never mind that those images appeared on single 13" screens and the Hitler/Bush images were displayed on a wall of those screens.
Posted by AnalogKid at May 29, 2003 05:19 AM | TrackBackMy wife and I went to see the film last week, truthfully I didn't notice the scene that's described. I don't doubt it's there, but I don't remember it. I was watching the actors, not the video montage that played in the background.
I liked the film, I'm a sucker for action sci-fi. I liked Starship Troopers and Mission to Mars as well, but that doesn't mean I endorse the politics of the script or directers. Too bad really that cheap political shots are taken in films aimed at a wide audience, it smacks of indoctrination and I abhor that.
In defense of the film, I'll say that the primary point is the power of the individual to make a difference through the choices that they make. That you really can smash the boundaries that are preset for you and pick a new future. That's a libertarian/conservative view far more than a left/liberal one. Utopian leftists can't be happy that the hero is a loner, either loved or hated he sets his own path. There is no commitee, no group think, Neo uses love for his woman and compassion for humanity as his guide. He is special, unique among men and that redenders him useless as a collectivists icon. He is purely a western style hero, a loner struggling to find the light and save as many people on the way as possible.
I'm writing this while drinking a Foster's, probably an offense in some beer drinking circles. I believe films are like beer and pizza, you like what you like, and hate the rest. I'm not asking anyone to like or dislike the film, just that this is my take on it. I may not be as current on pop culture as someone younger, but I'm not closed off to it either.
Posted by: puggs on May 30, 2003 12:42 AM