Lock and load.
Why do I bring a quote from "The Duke"? Isn't that saved for something serious? Yes, it is saved for something serious, and I think this is serious.
"You've been marked. We've been watching you and (your husband), following your trip overseas last April 19th. We've been in your house while in San Francisco. We've "bumped" into you at Costco (retail store). You've given us the time while in line at Bank of America. We've been watching your house. We've been watching you and your family..."
"In consideration of (your husband) being out of town so often, think of your family's security as your windows could be put through tomorrow night."
Where is this from you ask? From this.
It seems that the animal rights freaks have given up on being half-assed civil. Throwing blood on women wearing fur coats, releasing diseased research animals and then burning down the facility, and scaring pre-school aged children in their classrooms isn't enough for them. They have now began threatening families with physical violence.
And what did the husband of the woman who got this do? He sold software to a reasearch lab in the UK. The same group wo sent this letter put her home phone number on the web and told their people to "call anytime" They also covered the families neighborhood in pictures of mutilated dogs and would drive through the neighborhood at 3am blaring recordings of sirens.
They are calling it their "Let Freedom Ring the Doorbell" campaign. In the wacked out little circle they crawl around in they call these, "home demonstrations".
The group calls themselves SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty). They have set a goal to close down the Huntingdon Life Sciences lab. A UK based testling lab that uses animals for testing. The well known PETA freaks here in the US has come out saying that even if the lab came out with a cure for cancer, if it was tested on animals, they would protest the cure's use.
From their site: "Manicured lawns, quiet streets, american flags and.... puppy killing scum. We paid a visit to a few Chiron employees last night to give them a well-deserved wake up call.
"We started out with one of our favorites Linda Short (her address was posted here - a.k.) plastering her neighborhood with flyers telling her neighbors how she made the money that bought her ostentatious home and fancy car. And as an insurance measure for those neighbors who might not have had a chance to see our flyers we stood in front of Linda's home screaming through bullhorns to drive home the point.
"We know who you are, we know what you look like, we know where you socialize and best of all we know where you live!"
I have a working relationship with four different labs is Seattle that use anamals for testing. Daddy wants to play, when will it be my turn?
Like I said before, Lock and load boys, lock and load!
And to any PETA/SHAC types who might be reading this, I'm waiting......
Posted by AnalogKid at May 30, 2003 02:47 AM | TrackBackOh hell no, these fuckheads need an education in basic survival. That is they should ask themselves if they want to continue living. Not a dimes worth of difference morally between a stalker and a terrorist.
A pity they wouldn't pick on someone better versed in how to defend themselves. But that would take courage, these people are pussies of the first order.
Posted by: puggs on May 31, 2003 12:59 AM