Remeber in this post when I quoted a guy visiting London saying that pepperspray was illegal? You possibly may have thought I was pulling your leg, huh? I wouldn't do that to you. See this.
A disabled man in a wheelchair was being mugged at knifepoint. He gets a break and is able to get to his can of mace and uses it. Attacker is diabled and the police arrived. Guess what the police do? Yep, they arrest both of them.
Nicolas Ashworth had gotten mugged 3 weeks previously. After the man took his money (approx. $150), he punched him in the face. Ashworth then went and bought his pepperspray. He knew that it was illegal, but was in fear for his life, and decided to carry it with him anyway.
I have no idea what the government over there is thinking. Violent crime is at an all time high, yet there are no firearms. How could this be?
Click on the link and look under "England and Wales". If you compare them and the US, yes our numbers are higher, but look at the trends. Ours are going down as record numbers of firearms are being sold. While theirs are going up with no firearms sold at all. Sooner than later, the two will meet. And who will be happier about it?
Check out Australia as well, if you have time.
Posted by AnalogKid at May 30, 2003 03:48 AM | TrackBack