May 30, 2003
Two tastes that go great together

What part of this sentence is wrong?

"The imperialist pillage and desecration of the heritage of Babylon and Mesopotamia has provoked a shudder throughout the civilzed world."

Correct! All of it.

This sentence is the first in an article of similar tripe, left at my local Indymedia from Lal Khan of the Asian Marxist Review. If you have a strong stomach or a good sense of humor read it.

For those of you who can't find this funny, look at it this way. When they say "imperialist", think about what Marxism stands for. World Socialism. Now, why do I find that funny? Because the type of people who would believe this drivel, believe that if they could just have the cooperation of all the countires on the planet, life would be perfect. A Utopia.

But unfortunately for them, most countries will not cooperate. So their "plan B" is ovetaking by force. Or Imperialism. But they don't see it that way. No matter how hard you kick them in the teeth, they still just feel that you're the stupid one and why can't you see that they are trying to help you. Oh well.

The other way to look at them and smile is this. One of the basic tenets of thought for them is athieism. If you read through their dogma, it says that the only reason they persecuted (read: murdered) the russian catholics was because the church was telling the priests to talk out against them and speak up for the csarists. And the synagogues and jews had too much money that they would not give to "the people".

But if you start up a conversation with one, guide it to the subject of religion, and get into it with them (this takes finesse, but it is possible), they will tell you that the people only need to believe in the workers and their needs, and all will be taken care of. Athieism, plain and simple.

Now don't get me wrong. I have no beef with anyone's religion or lack of one. I try to think of myself as a kind of Jeffersonian. I am generally taken aback when someone asks me about my religious beliefs. Like it is any of their business.

But if you want a good laugh, look at the support the socialists have given to the islamofascists. You have marxists who do not believe in any god and hate America, supporting fundamentalists who love their god so much that they also hate America. You basically have a marriage of convenience and hate. Sounds like a Kennedy marriage.

We all know that the islamofascists hate christians. And jews are even worse to them. They also have no reguard for hindus and buddhists. And how many zoroastrians do you run into these days? But athieists hold a special place in their hearts. If you believe in a god, no matter which one or how many, you are still allowed to to have a "good" muslim try to convert you. If you don't convert, then they kill you. But to them, the only good athieist is a dead athieist. When you support a group of people who don't even want you participate in their religion, upon punishment of death, and the one thing that ties you together with them is their religion. Using this logic it would seem that I support the islamofascists.

Now that is funny!

Posted by AnalogKid at May 30, 2003 05:58 AM | TrackBack
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