May 31, 2003
Those silly Canadians

Hold onto your hats guys, feminists in Canada are on the war path. The Canadian government's department, "Status of Women, Canada" (no kidding) paid three women, a female professor and two female research assistants, $75,000 Canadian ($633 US) to research mens groups on the internet. And what Pierrette Bouchard found, alarmed her.

There actually are mens groups. She calls them "Masculinists" and recomends that the Canadian government create a watchdog group to track what goes on at these sites. She deems any speech detrimental to feminism as hate speech and thinks it should be tracked and prosecuted.

The professor herself. "At first, I thought, Well, these are just a few small fringe groups, it's not important. But eventually, I found that there were more of them than I thought and that they had a large network on the Internet, through which they are disseminating their views. That does bother me."

Why should it bother her? It is just a group of guys wondering why boys acedemic performance has gone down, why male suicide is up and why, unless the woman is an schizo-crackhead who practices human sacrifice, they never get fair custody or visitation after a divorce.

Mickey MacMillan, of Kamloops Parents of Broken Families, said he was angry at being put on the "hit list." "All I've ever done is advocate for equal parenting.
I have no agenda against women. I don't like feminists because I think they're radical and I think they're against men, but I don't think they should try to criminalize me. And my government paying for it, it is a disgrace."

Gosh, those silly Canadians are so polite.

Thanks to Tongue Tied for pointing this out.

Posted by AnalogKid at May 31, 2003 09:08 AM | TrackBack
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