June 01, 2003
Say Hi Pt.2

Everybody say hi to Ellie.

Ellie: aka Ellie peanut, Ellie smelly, supermodel, punkin

Ellie is a 4yr old Rottweiler. We adopted her from the local rescue agency 3yrs ago. This is a very typical pic of her as she is always in motion. If she is standing still she is either eating or sleeping. Whereas Russell will bark at anything, Ellie likes to sit around the corner and lie in wait. I have been the subject of one of her practical jokes more than once. She has been known to be a ham to visitors and needs to be told how pretty she is on a regular basis. I must not tell her that she is now worldwide, her ego wouldn't fit in the house

Posted by AnalogKid at June 01, 2003 02:14 AM | TrackBack

Are you trying to tell us that Ellie's really a cat? Lying in wait, indeed.

Posted by: Da Goddess on June 1, 2003 09:44 AM

Wait until I show y'all the cat. She thinks she's a dog. No, I have not been experimenting on a personality reversal machine. My friend on the other hand....

Posted by: analog kid on June 1, 2003 02:27 PM

Hey now, our Josie's pure Jack Russell and she perchs, climbs and pounces. Cats are alright, I guess, sorta OK, maybe, at a distance, with somebody else, at night, as long as I don't have to put up with them..........

Posted by: puggs on June 1, 2003 06:20 PM

Cute dog, AK. I have always liked Rottweilers.

Posted by: Mollbot on June 3, 2003 02:25 PM
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