June 01, 2003
Positive reinforcement

His Imperialness, Emperor Misha I, has announced his "Pizzas for Peace" program.

Words from the Emperor himself, "As we all know, the only REAL way of getting anywhere near anything resembling peace in the Middle East is to put an end to the existence of all the Paleswinian terrorist swine. Until every last one of the toddler-murdering kamelfelchers are sent off to the eternal dirt nap, neither the Israelis nor the Palis will ever know peace. We suggest that for every murdering bastard assuming room temperature, somebody sends the IDF a pizza."

It is as simple as going here and giving a donation.

So go. The IDF got two yesterday. One of them exploded after being hit by small arms fire while trying to jump a fence. I wonder what he might have been planning?

Posted by AnalogKid at June 01, 2003 02:54 AM | TrackBack
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