June 02, 2003
Hell is for Children...

...at least according to Yasser Arafat.

According to IMRA (Independant Media Review and Analysis), Arafat met with a group of children on International Children's Day (June 1st) and "devoted his remarks to encouraging the children to be 'shahid' (die for the cause)."

This came from a video tape from an Israel Channel 2 news correspondent. The reports author, Dr. Aaron Lerner, along with the news reporter, Ehud Yarri, noted that "Arafat said nothing in his remarks about peace or reconciliation".

Why is this prick still alive? Anyone, anyone?

Found at that bation of hate (at least according to Indymedia) Little Green Footballs.

Posted by AnalogKid at June 02, 2003 01:04 AM | TrackBack

The really scary part isn't that he's evil and currupt, but that he's an idiot as well. He's like a disease carrier stumbling around sowing death in his wake.

Splitting his skull with a well placed 50 caliber would do everyone a favor. The Palestinians most of all.

Posted by: puggs on June 2, 2003 10:50 AM
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