June 02, 2003
Let's get ready to rumble....

It's on, boys and girls. Today is the first day of the LEIU meeting here in Seattle. And in scanning the Indymedia sites I find that an "Un-Welcoming Committie" of smelly hippies has been organized to "show 'The Man' they're not wanted"

I think you might be as interested as I was to know who is organizing this event. Hmmmm, we've got Not in Our Name (NION - Seattle), Palestine Solidarity Committee, Federation of Northwest Anarchist-Communists (FNAC), Freedom Socialist Party, Green Party (Seattle), and the International Socialist Organization just to name a few. Sounds like a lovely bunch. But why would they have to worry about police agencies nationwide being able to share information?

So keep your eyes on the news. I'm warming up the cattle prod. Woe betide all who wish to loot in my vicinity.

Posted by AnalogKid at June 02, 2003 06:51 AM | TrackBack

There can probably be a reasonable arguement made on civil liberties grounds for this, but not from these guys. If the intent was to track just the militia and klan types I doubt they'd say a word.

When the indykids talk about power or the "man" I get the distinct feeling there's sort of a kind of penis envy going on here. You can sense they wanna be in control so bad they can taste it. If only they were running things, peace and love would reign, until someone said something against them that is. "Counter-revolutionaires" always got the worst treatment under Stalin and Mao. These adled kids are the same breed of cat, just not smart enough to gain real power thank God.

Posted by: puggs on June 2, 2003 11:24 AM

What's even more interesting is where those groups get their funding.

Posted by: meathead on June 2, 2003 04:06 PM
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