Here's a nice little takedown of Sean Penn's $120,000 tantrum, published by the NY Times.
The obligatory teaser:
His 40,000-word screed reads like a term paper fueled by a combination of pot, grade A acid, and Viagra. In the ad, the star calls the American flag a �vulgar billboard� for US corporate interests. He blasts the Bush administration as tools of oil conglomerations, and says we slaughtered thousands of innocent Iraqis for no reason at all.
Interestingly enough, not one of his 40,000 words mentioned the Iraqi�s newfound freedom of speech, or the Shiites� freedom to worship their god as they please, or about the torture chambers Saddam forgot to show him during his Baghdad tour last year.
But Iraq's newfound freedom, the people dancing in the streets, and the lives saved from certain death mean NOTHING when you have an agenda. Don't you see how important Penn is?
Posted by: Da Goddess on June 2, 2003 06:47 PMPenn...Penn, he's the despotic asmatic dog with Stimpy right? No wait that's Renn...
Same business though, professional assclown.
Posted by: puggs on June 3, 2003 01:34 AM