Tueday at the anit-LEIU rally..... nothing happened. That pisses me off almost as much as what happened yesterday. I left for work early and headed up to the the massing area and no one was there. Ok, there were people there, but they all looked like they were on Ritalin.
So here's a run-down of the reprocussions of yesterdays action. The 12 people that were arrested yesterday were released later that evening. Tuesday morning some folks showed up at city hall to complain to the city council about the "police brutality" Monday. The normally left leaning city council had the doors chained shut to keep them out, and the protesters were once again, not happy campers. The deputy police chief stepped outside and read a statment that basically said "if you show up at a rally with backpacks containing ball-bearings and mason jars full of urine or fire propellant, you are no longer a peaceful protester." This really harshed the mellow of those gathered. Their response was "but those people don't represent us. Why do you want us to police our own ranks?" Go figure.
Then a magically peaceful rally happened. It included no property damage nor any "police brutality".
Meanwhile over at the Seattle Indymedia site, the moonbats were spraying their guano everywhere. One included a commenter giving instructions about how to set the police officers on fire. More crap here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, andhere. More pics are here, here and here.
The second to the last of the non-photo posts asks for Chief of Police Gil Kerlikowske's resignation. Which makes me wonder how much these dipshits know about the recent history of Seattle. For those of you who don't live here, the last guy who held the Chief's position, basically got cut loose because of they way major events were handled. We had a guy beaten to death in full view of the police on freakin' Mardi Gras.
The protesters are basically all upset that they weren't allowed to act like spoiled children and break other peoples stuff. Tuesday, the police let it be know that they were going to review the video they took on Monday and make arrests during the week of those they could ID. This put the IMC'ers in a tizzy that a gallon of LSD couldn't re-create.
I will continue to go to the massing points and at least try to get my own pics. I would have today, but they would have looked just like fans of 'The Greatful Dead' met 'The Living Dead'. Or basically a large group of 'The Brain Dead'. But I digress.
Posted by AnalogKid at June 04, 2003 08:33 AM | TrackBackI'm glad nobody got hurt, nobody civilized that is. The comment by the little weasel on fighting the cops,....he says it's WAR....I suppose it's a good thing even most of the lunatic fringe shrinks away from that.
Agitaters never do anything themselves, never throw a punch or get in a scuffle. They hang on the fringe of the crowd shouting and provoking, not once risking their own precious pink little bodies. That's what the saps in the mob are for. That's also why the police have learned to round up the big mouths first. Makes for more peacefull protests when the agitaters are running away.
Still that stunted little choad wants war? My friends please, oh please, let me get locked in a closet with him for ten minutes. We can discuss his lack of social skills......and wether his joints can bend 90 degrees out of true.
Posted by: puggs on June 4, 2003 11:20 AMGrrr! You know, back when I lived in Denver, the police ended up using video from bystanders and news crews to help them make arrests later on. I'm all for that. It may seem overbearing and untoward...or an infringement on our rights, but breaking the law is breaking the law. You get caught....no matter how...and you're busted.
Posted by: Da Goddess on June 5, 2003 04:06 AM