Remember late last year when they asked all arab male immigrants 16 and over to please report to their local INS location? Well, about 82,000 men did exactly that. But now that all the papers have been shuffled, reshuffled and then shuffled one more time, it looks as if some of them are going to be getting the old heave ho.
"more than 13,000 have been found to be living in this country illegally, officials say".
Expect to hear the left come out in full force next week on this subject.
"Many had hoped to win leniency by demonstrating their willingness to cooperate with the campaign against terror. The men were not promised special treatment, however, and officials believe that most will be expelled"
"The deportations are a striking example of how the Bush administration increasingly uses the nation's immigration system as a weapon in the battle against terror"
It is a classic NYT article (which means you will have to log in to be able to read it. Sorry). They go straight for the tear ducts. First blaming the government for moving too slow to legalize the men (what?), and then whining about how this is going to "break up the communities".
I'm sorry, but you don't get to come here and willy-nilly away your time to apply for immigration. Hop to it, Hajii (sorry, was that insensitive?). Get your shit in gear, or get a boot to the rear. It is great that you have a job and all, but it would be really great if you'd get you card too.
Posted by AnalogKid at June 07, 2003 08:26 AM | TrackBack