June 07, 2003
You couldn't make this stuff up

Following the Democratic parties candidates for president is never high on my list of to do things. But when I stumbled on this piece, well it just makes me wonder when some of them will get serious about leaving the loonier bits of their party home.

Choice qoute, "We're not crazy Klingon-talking freaks," Read said. "But we are crazy for Dean."' Yeah, you're not pagans or Elvis groupies either, but damn if I don't grant you the same status, unfortunate social outcast. I resent the Trekker Klingon referrence as well, Klingon's are sensitive, you boob.

The most telling line, "At the Stanford University student union, 75 people sipped Jamba Juice and read campaign handouts when Carolyn Curtis brought the meeting to order." Now if these people drank beer and sweated for more than minute walking from the limo to the air conditioned hall I'd be concerned. As it stands, people who produce outnumber them by too much for them to be doing anything more than pissing in the wind.

Posted by Puggs at June 07, 2003 08:43 PM | TrackBack
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