June 10, 2003
Not Helpful?

This attempted assassination of a Hamas leader would seem to complicate the "road map" as much as the continued suicide bombings.

Of course, the Hamas decision to abandon the peace talks, forego a cease fire, and attack and kill 4 Israeli soldiers would seem to make their current protestations pretty farcical.

Rantissi is a key public figure who often defends Hamas or explains the Palestinian militant group's motivations to the world. He had been critical of Abbas for seeking peace through the U.S.-backed "road map," and he had said attacks on Israeli targets would continue.

So, if attacks on Israeli targets are going to continue, does Hamas get to complain when attacks against them continue? If you have a terrorist organization that refuses to participate in the peace process, and whose stated purpose is to destroy you - what options do you have for dealing with them? Do you unilaterally call a cease fire and watch your people die, or do you prosecute them more vigorously because the past to peace lies through their destruction?

Posted by nukevet at June 10, 2003 12:32 PM | TrackBack

I'd say the ol' bastard was due a meeting with a missile. Pity that the attack didn't succeed. Next time Israel ought to borrow a Predator drone with Hellfires from the CIA; I hear they have a good record killing asshole terrorists in cars.

Posted by: Mollbot on June 11, 2003 04:37 AM

Just like the CIA managed to kill Saddam and Osama?

How is the hunt for the invisible weapons going BTW?

Perhaps they are hidden at the bottom of the oil fields, maybye Halliburton could drain them and take all the oil back to America to examine?

Posted by: harmonia on June 11, 2003 08:12 AM

Unless you're hiding Osama and Saddam in your basement harm, you can't prove they're still alive. No one else has. And don't tell me that they're wouldn't have popped up somewhere if they were. Media hounds don't just disappear, not even when they're being hunted.

They're as dead as Marx, and American steel put them in the ground.

Posted by: puggs on June 11, 2003 08:30 AM

It's puggs "wishful thinking" again!

No doubt I am imagining the number of US soldiers being killed every day in Iraq as well?

BTW, response to Israel's attack yesterday:


Sow the wind etc etc etc

Posted by: harmonia on June 11, 2003 09:49 AM

harm do not, now or ever condescend to me about American combat deaths. I have friends there. I've enough experience to know their situation far better than you. They deserve better than your mock caring.

It's wars aftermath, there's always a period of anarchy. If you read a little history you would know that. Every attack by the remnants of the Iraqi regime reduces their numbers and gives us a target. Attacks by no more than a half a dozen men at a time isn't anything but an annoyance.

You've never been shy about wishfull thinking, don't project. Do you have personal knowledge that they are alive?, or is this just another catnip mouse for you to bat around? Show me proof their alive, and I'll change my opinion of them being dead. Otherwise get over it, sometimes good things do happen.

It's a chicken and egg thing with the attacks in Israel, which came first. Why is it you seem to feel only Israel needs to restrain itself? You claim to hate war, so how about a blanket condemnation of all the violence, and not just Israels? Can't you for once, just once say that the attacks by Hamas are an evil thing. Or don't they sow wind as well?

Posted by: puggs on June 11, 2003 10:41 AM

So Harmonia, using your logic, since we can't find Saddam, he never existed, right?


Posted by: Dave on June 11, 2003 01:46 PM

Maybe they're hidden underneath the piles of children's skeletons in mass graves, you fucking nitwit.

Sow my nuts, hippy filth.

Posted by: Jeff on June 11, 2003 05:11 PM

leave your sexual fantasies in your head Jeff.

So still no sign eh? how do y'all feel about being lied to?


More happy Iraqis glad to see your troops it seems

Posted by: harmonia on June 12, 2003 07:52 AM

In a about ten days my wife's family will be attending the funeral of a young man killed at an Iraqi checkpoint by an RPG. I never met him. This is war harm, I never expected anything else. You act as if we should be shocked. Stunned at the prospect that we'll be killing insurgents for quite a while. It's expected. We wage war more seriously than most, certainly with more dedication than you could understand.

Where does all the bitterness come from harm, is it the powerlessness of the left, or did you get stood up by an American once?

Posted by: puggs on June 12, 2003 01:40 PM
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