June 12, 2003
This ain't QVC

Many thanks to Michele@ASV for finding this.

From the 'Token Gesture' crowd comes this bit of vadalization.

A group called 'Unbrand America', a subsidiary of 'Adbusters', is asking all the anti-Bush folks to go around putting black dots on everything.

Now I know you're saying "Sounds great Kid, but what all is included?"

Well, just look at what you'll get....

"In the coming months a black spot will pop up everywhere . . . on store windows and newspaper boxes, on gas pumps and supermarket shelves. Open a magazine or newspaper - it's there. It's on TV. It stains the logos and smears the nerve centers of the world's biggest corporations."

But thats not all....

"This is the mark of the people who don't approve of Bush's plan to control the world, who don't want countries "liberated" without UN backing, who can't stand anymore neo-con bravado shoved down their throats. This is the mark of the people who want the Kyoto Protocol for the environment, who want the International Criminal Court for greater justice, who want a world where all nations, including the U.S.A., are free of weapons of mass destruction."

And as a bonus we'll include a FREE PLEDGE.....

Because my country has sold its soul to corporate power,
Because consumerism has become our national religion,
Because we've forgotten the true meaning of freedom,
And because patriotism now means agreeing with the president,
I pledge to do my duty . . . and take my country back.

Operators are standing by!

I will declare open season on vandals.

Be sure to wear your logo'd apparel folks. Because I guarantee you that if you see one of these types commiting vandalism, and you confront him/her, and he/she sees you wearing something like a Nike shirt or a FOX TV hat(they really hate Nike and Fox TV) they will probably try to put a black dot on you. At which time they become fair game.

Can you say 3rd degree assault and destruction of personal property? (Valid in Washington State only. Check your local jurisdiction for pertinent laws and ordinances).

Remember, "Only you can fight crime!"
Or is that 'Take a bite out of forest fires'? I get them confused.

But for some reason 'Peace, Love and Dead Hippies' is easy to remember. Go figure.

Posted by AnalogKid at June 12, 2003 09:34 AM | TrackBack

Obsessed by the left?

How unusual for this site!

Posted by: harmonia on June 12, 2003 10:04 AM

Obsession? I would call it letting everyone know just how silly and mentally unstable the left is getting.

It keeps me from hunting down and pulling a St. Peter on hippies.

Posted by: analog kid on June 12, 2003 10:23 AM

Boy, they sure can make a bunch of assholes running around putting stickers on everything seem exicting and dangerous. Hell, little kids do that all the time.

Posted by: Jeff on June 12, 2003 10:33 AM

It's just odd analog, you just seem a little bit worried.

Perhaps the left has those invisible weapons we hear so much about these days?

Posted by: harmonia on June 12, 2003 10:48 AM

The only thing I worry about Har, is leaving a blood trail to my truck.

As for invisible weapons, the left has only their stupidity and a grand sense of the dramatic.

Posted by: analog kid on June 12, 2003 11:43 AM

File these kids under "I hate swimming so I'll shit in the pool so nobody else will" school of alienation. Piss on them, on their beliefs(twisted as they are), and their agenda. Culture jammers are the kids who have no friends can't fit in so they hate everything about modern society. News flash, we don't care if they can't find a niche, maybe they would do better to change themselves than everybody else. That's hubris on a scale unkown outside of Olympus.

Fuck them.

Posted by: puggs on June 12, 2003 05:47 PM

I wonder how hard it would be to organize a countermovement. Get people to carry around markers and write "Vote Bush" or something on every one of these black dots they see.

Posted by: BA on June 12, 2003 08:38 PM

what would you write on a black spot with? whiteout?

Posted by: mike on July 6, 2003 03:41 PM
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