June 14, 2003

Speaking of 'Impeachable Offenses", Seattle IMC has a link to a poll that asks you if:

"Lying about the reason for a war is an impeachable offence"

As usual, no punctuation or spelling skills. But we'll forget about that. What I would like to point out is that, surprise, they have a 94.7% YES vote. They are actually taking this poll seriously stating "Now, we know the truth and Americans must take the appropriate action."

Oooo, oww, oh. OK I'm better now. I have to remember to pad the floor.

The poll is at a place called, Official Spin. They call themselves "Europe's #1 News and Wire service" But if you go there, you'll see that it is more like MSNBC on qualuddes. Just off the top of my head I can think of some more accurate by-lines.

"All the News that is fit to Spin. As decided by us."

"America sucks."

And "We are jealous of the Americans, but don't tell anyone."

"Those American Bastards!" was taken and will soon be the new Hans Blix web site.

I can guarantee that if they don't get 100% on this they'll throw a fit about the "stupid Americans who came over and skewed our poll". Why do I say that? Well, because the left likes to think that euros constitute "The World Opinion" and there was this quote "Cast Your Vote. Opinion Counts. It's a European site, but what the hay. It'll be a world opinion."

How unfortunate that "The World Opinion" does count for jack shit inside the US border. And I know that none of them have the big brass ones to try that.

So head on down and put your middle finger up.

UPDATE: The Yes votes are down to 71.1%

Posted by AnalogKid at June 14, 2003 05:28 AM | TrackBack
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