June 14, 2003
Anime and Guns

Meet Anna and Uni Puma, career criminals from Shirows New Dominion; Tank Police work. Congratulation Neal, you got me inspired enough to read the help files on image uploading. I just never got around to it before.

Yeah I'm one of those annoying people you can actually perform a task from a manuel.

Babes and guns are the mainstay of a certain strain of anime. I used to be a serious otaku but I've drifted away from it, sold my collection years ago. I do recommend one film though. Wings of Honneamaise. It's epic film making like Disney at it's best, but it ain't Disney. It has serious themes, and it's my among my favorites. For general anime information check this link site.

Posted by Puggs at June 14, 2003 09:30 PM | TrackBack
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