June 16, 2003
Oh, jeez!

This is just dumb.

Unless they want to give the money to me.

"Church shuns gun-raffle donations"

"For the third consecutive year, a Catholic church in Hyattsville will turn down thousands of dollars in donations raised today during a gun raffle. The Catholic Sportsmen's Organization (CSO), which is based in Hyattsville, hopes to raise $6,000 during the raffle and wants to donate the proceeds to St. Jerome's Catholic Church at 5205 43rd Ave. But the Archdiocese of Washington has ordered the church not to accept the money because a few church members are opposed to guns."


I can understand Gulianni's refusal of monies from the arab prince after September 11th, but this is another example of sheer emotional stupidity.

If I ran the Archidocese I would tell these "members who are opposed to guns" to stuff it. And if they beefed, excommunication. Why would you want stupid people in your church?

I understand not wanting to own guns. I can even almost understand not letting your kids play at a friends if the family has guns in the house. But I do not understand being "opposed" to guns. It is just as dumb as being "opposed" to bath tubs. Which, by the way, kill more children and injure more people per year.

Posted by AnalogKid at June 16, 2003 03:35 AM | TrackBack
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