June 18, 2003
Just in time for the summer vacation season

RNS is proud to release their "bellicose" line of travel accessories. Although the collection is currently small, we hope it will grow with time.

For those of you driving your family in a gas-guzzling, air-conditioned SUV, dress up your ride with one of these high quality bumper stickers. Endorsed by Triple-A (Americans Against Asininity), receive 15% off your next gas purchase every time you actually follow the sticker's advice!

For those of you vacationing abroad, we offer this lovely luggage tag. Don't be like those weenie Canadians, wearing a tiny Canadian flag on their lapel so as "not to be mistaken for an American"; proudly proclaim your citizenship with this 8"x11", high quality travel accessory. Also available in Kevlar.

Posted by Neal Mauldin at June 18, 2003 12:36 PM | TrackBack

It'd be worth a trip to Paris just to show off the luggage tag.

I wouldn't mind putting a 40lb. slab of concrete in the bottom of a dufflebag, just to watch the bagman's face when he tryed to lift it. Swing that on your shoulder and scatter em like bowling pins.........

Earn your tourist dollars pilgrims.

Posted by: puggs on June 18, 2003 02:55 PM
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