This picture of the President came from a Cleveland alternative newspaper. Possibly the last place in Ohio where Ted(the Taliban weren't as bad as us)Rall actually has readers. What is it about urban centers that seems to make them a breeding ground for this type of masochistic ignorance? The water, the closed in spaces, the easy access to illegal drugs....?
Maybe they're just stupid. At least that is provable by the evidence.
In the words of Bill Clinton's 1998 impeachment, George W. Bush "has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States."
How can he bring disrepute from people like Rall when Rall has screamed "criminal" since the day he took office. It was a pre-existing condition on the left, the war didn't make them suddenly wise up to Bush's ways. "the manifest injury of the people of the United States" That statement is flat out false, proveably, cause we haven't exactly had anymore cities burning in the last year and a half have we. 70% approval ratings aren't enough, the mid term elections weren't proof, nothing short of Jesus Christ personally stuffing Rall's own cartoons up his ass will ever bang it into his head that the country is not waiting quietly to rise up in revolt against the illegal cabal in Washington.
I've decided to start a rumor, Ted Rall is Bobby Fisk's gay bath partner. Hell why not, if their burden of proof is so low as to allow opinion to replace facts, they can take it like,........well the usual way. Bet Rall plays the bitch role.
Posted by Puggs at June 21, 2003 06:55 PM | TrackBackActually, Puggs, your question, "What is it about urban centers that seems to make them a breeding ground for this type of masochistic ignorance?", has a very simple answer:
Think about it. In a city, you can't grow your own food; it must be provided. Drinking water flows from a tap, from a system that must be maintained on such a scale that one person can't do it. Even self-defense becomes problematic, when there are so many innocent people around who might get caught in the crossfire.
A city requires you to rely on others for the necessities of life, and it also requires you to conform to the dictates of your fellow man even if those dictates seem or are unreasonable. I could write a PhD thesis on the subject, and found a religion if I came up with a solution to the dilemma, but I think you see where I'm going.
Posted by: SDN on June 22, 2003 07:08 AMYeah, you're probably right about the why. But you know it get's so tiresome listening to these guys trashing the very system that creates the surplus that feeds their ass's. But Yeah I understand your point.
Posted by: puggs on June 22, 2003 01:01 PM