June 21, 2003
Just for the Hell of it

I have an old habit, engrained or inherited I don't know and don't care,... Counter attack. Know your foe, I'm not content to merely block, I want a throat to grab, an arm to twist as I put my opponent down hard.........a knee to the groin is a good place to land. So I do research.

I do not consider our resident troll anything more than a gadfly, harmless by herself, barely worth responding to. The movement she supposedly represents on the other hand is as close to old style Stalinist communism as anything likely to come up in the next decade. So I present this. Read and know your enemy.

This is one of several articles on their site.

This evening I'm with a group of young Afghhans. All of their fathers and uncles are veterans of the war against the Soviet Union.
Hassan, my translator is an activist with the Afghan Revolutionary Labour Organisation.

Very nice, except they don't make clear that the veterans fought on the Soviet side. There were no communists in the rebel camp.

This next entry deserves close scrutiny,

These youth are all anti-Taliban. "The Taliban are monsters cretaed by America and Pakistan because it suited them," explains Hassan, "Now it suits them to create a new monster."

In the west the socialists tell us that the Taliban and Bin Laden are a direct result of the Muslim peoples justifable rage against us. That they represent the Muslim world. In the Muslim world with people who have suffered greatly from the Taliban they say the opposite, the Taliban are an American construct(utterly false but that never stopped them yet), that we are the ones who put them in power(again false). I'll stop here for now, but this illustrates the cynical bald faced lies and distortions that we can expect form the world socialist movement.

They say the want peace at any cost while stirring up as much anti-American hatred as possible in the Muslim world. Now if they truely want peace why would they do that?

This is going to be a serious study, I want to know where these views come from so I can take them apart and put them on defense, as I said I like to counterpunch. As time allows I'll get additional items posted.

A note to harm; I am not attacking you personally, though it's tempting, I'm just going to point out some things you may or may not know. You take a cynics view of all things western, capitolist, and American. Why not turn that same eye inward and see who's really the cynical player, you may not like the answer.

Posted by Puggs at June 21, 2003 10:31 PM | TrackBack

An excellent course of study, man.

Posted by: analog kid on June 22, 2003 12:52 AM

It's like a two-fer. Harm gets to coddle communists and muslims all at once. If they were lesbian, black, disabled, dyslexic, attention-deficit disorder afflicted, communist muslims with speech impediments, I suppose they would garner even more sympathy, but hey, as harm would tell you herself, life's not fair.

The great irony in all this is that Muslims want all of us dead and yet DEMAND that we enforce peace between Isreal and Palestine and insist that we are the only ones that can do so.

But I thought we were the cause of all that is bad in the world - how could we craft a peace agreement? Confusing. Harm, come straighten me out. If it helps, I'll resort to profanity.

Fucking commie.

Posted by: Jeff on June 23, 2003 12:02 AM

Thats us, have a look at our election results up 600%!

Posted by: harmonia on June 23, 2003 03:22 AM

"Very nice, except they don't make clear that the veterans fought on the Soviet side. There were no communists in the rebel camp"

Oh yes there were, thats a quote from them.

Posted by: harmonia on June 23, 2003 06:47 AM

As I said in the comments for the above post, you went from 1 seat, to six, out of 129 available seats.

Even the people of Scotland think your party is shit, you're out so far from power that it's a wonder you don't cry yourself to sleep at night.

Feel free.

Posted by: puggs on June 23, 2003 01:26 PM

A qoute from them? Since there wasn't one fact correct in any qoute from any one person that article cites,...............

Jesus, you really don't think at all do you?

Posted by: puggs on June 23, 2003 01:29 PM
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