June 22, 2003
Supreme Courts Attack

So, the Democratic Candidates for President all got together (yes, they needed a big room) to let everyone know that, even if the Supreme Court ruled the University of Michigan Affirmative Action admissions policies unconstitutional, they would still do everything in their power to be sure affirmative action lives on. (note that the forum has sponsored by Reverend Jesse's Rainbow/PUSH coalition)

A few choice nuggets:

�When I�m president, we�ll have executive orders to overcome any wrong thing the Supreme Court does tomorrow or any other day,� said Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri.

Ahhhhh. So anything the Supreme Court does that little Dickie decides is "wrong" will just be executive ordered away. Wonder what would happen if Bush tried that with abortion? (as I've stated before, I do believe Roe v. Wade was the correct decision - nukevet)

�We deserve a president of the United States who doesn�t call fairness to minorities a special preference,� said Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry.

Hey, what about calling special preferences to minorities a special preference? If it was about being "fair", then perhaps we should do something about the level of education everyone receives, right?

Al Sharpton responded that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a black man who may vote against the university�s affirmative action program. He said Democrats shouldn�t be talking about getting more blacks in high places, but getting the right blacks.

�If we doubt that, just look at Clarence Thomas,� he said. �Clarence Thomas is my color, but he�s not my kind.�

I fail to understand how Sharpton, one of the most bigoted men in America, is being taken seriously by the Democratic rank and file. This guy is a liar, a cheat, and a racist. But he hates white people, so I guess that makes everything OK.

Of course, I guess Sharpton might look pretty reasonable if you line him up against Carol Mosely Braun..........

Posted by nukevet at June 22, 2003 09:25 PM | TrackBack
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