June 23, 2003
Twilight Zone, you have a call waiting

From a Mr. Raving Moonbat on line 13.

Did you that you and I have been brainwashed into thinking the Muslims hate us? Niether did I!

But this guy calling himself 'Who' says so in his Seattle IMC post "Mind Control and Conspiracies of State-Corporate Bankerists"

"And, accusing one billion muslims of terrorism and frame-ups and mis-representation, manipulations and distortions. Maybe in the 50's MKULTURA were means of mind-control, however, the media and Hollywood is drug itself, based on creating visceral reactions, build and establish mythic archetypes, then stage events and rituals to fulfill the spread about mythology. And, you buy, for it has been instilled in you viscerally through the lure of sex and violence with the power of drama."

There is also a link to his site, oddly enough called 'Unabombers.com'.

Venture there at your own risk.

Posted by AnalogKid at June 23, 2003 06:42 AM | TrackBack
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